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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 24 <br /> August 28, 2001 <br /> Page 14 <br /> 1 - The current Stonehouse on-sale restaurant is in need of replacement. No additional <br /> 2 capital investments should be made in the existing building. <br /> 3 - The Stonehouse cannot be considered to be profitable. Given its current condition it is <br /> 4 likely to be more unprofitable in the future. <br /> 5 - St. Anthony Village would be required to invest approximately$100,000 to <br /> 6 $1,250,000 for a new building to continue on-sale operations. <br /> 7 - Gross annual revenues of$1,250,000 to $1,500,000 will be required to service the <br /> 8 operation and debt. It is very difficult to sustain this level of sales in a highly competitive <br /> 9 market. <br /> 10 - The current site is too small to permit appropriate redevelopment for commercial uses <br /> 11 that include both on-sale and off-sale liquor sales. <br /> 12 - The primary financial function of the Stonehouse appears to be an outlet for charitable <br /> 13 gambling. <br /> 14 - Charitable gambling is projected to be at least as profitable at a new city-owned or <br /> 15 privately=owned on-sale restaurant (s). <br /> 16 Recommendations: <br /> 17 - Explore redevelopment of the Stonehouse site with off-sale liquor retail store as a <br /> 18 potential. <br /> 19 - Cease on-sale liquor store operations. <br /> 20 - Conduct referendum to permit municipal off-sale and private on-sale operations. <br /> 21 - Permit charitable gambling at restaurants serving liquor. <br /> 22 Alternate Recommendation: <br /> 23 - Consider a referendum to approve $1,000,000 to $1,250,000 to fund a new on-sale <br /> 24 liquor store. <br /> 25 Mr. Prosser indicated that the Stonehouse property was worth$100,000. <br /> 26 Councilmember Sparks asked what the consultants said about the location of the Stonehouse property <br /> 27 for a restaurant. Mr. Prosser-stated that restaurants like to be amidst a great deal of retail, and a high- <br /> 28 traffic area. <br /> 29 Councilmember Horst asked what type of redevelopment projects they see useful for the property. <br /> 30 Mr. Prosser stated that they see mixed use. Mr. Prosser indicated that there was strong support for <br /> 31 limited retail with a small restaurant pad and an off-sale liquor pad. He added that townhomes, <br /> 32 apartments, and daycare have all been mentioned as viable options. <br /> 33 Mr. Prosser stated that he was not recommending that they market the Stonehouse property at the- <br /> 34 $100,000 value, but that it was the amount that they could bank on. <br /> 35 Councilmember Horst asked if it was necessary to close the Stonehouse in order to get split liquor in <br /> 36 the City of St. Anthony. Mr. Mornson indicated that it was not. <br />