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PL PACKET 09212004
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PL PACKET 09212004
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PL PACKET 09212004
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> July 20, 2004 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 1 Chair Stromgren opened the public hearing at 7:04 p.m. <br /> 2 <br /> 3 Ms. Hall stated that Dave and Lisa Wiggins, 3200 Skycroft Drive, are requesting a side yard <br /> 4 variance of 12 feet for an addition to their home. She explained that the City Code requires that a <br /> 5 side yard adjacent to a street must be at least 45 feet wide noting that the 15 x 25 foot proposed <br /> 6 addition would put their home within 33 feet of 32"Avenue. She noted that Mr. Wiggins <br /> 7 discussed this request with the Planning Commission when he came forward for the Concept <br /> 8 Review <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Dave Wiggins, 3200 Skycroft Drive, thanked the Commission for hearing his petition for a <br /> 11 variance. He stated that with two growing children, ages 10 and 7, they need more living and <br /> 12 storage space. He stated that it is also his hope to be able to build a home office in the lower level <br /> 13 for his work as a high school math teacher. He stated that initially he did consider the space in the <br /> 14 back yard area noting that it is not the best location due to the potential impact it could have on <br /> 15 the drainage flow. He provided the Commission with an overview of the proposed layout and . <br /> 16 drainage flows. He stated that the drainage issue was addressed with grading noting that they did <br /> 17 get considerable runoff to the north and south of their home. He explained that if they were to <br /> 18 add on to the back it could create problems to the north, which would also impact one of their <br /> 19 neighbors. He stated that they currently have a very nice backyard with large basswood tree <br /> 20 noting that he does not want to remove the tree. He provided the Commission with an overview <br /> 21 of the external appearance of the home stating that the addition would not change the appearance <br /> 22 very much and would be consistent with neighboring properties. He stated that all of his <br /> 23 neighbors are supportive and in agreement with the proposed addition. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Chair Stromgren asked for clarification noting that the elevation to the west is higher. Mr. <br /> 26 Wiggins stated that the elevation to the west is approximately ten feet higher and reviewed the <br /> 27 slope of the property and retaining walls with the Commission. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Commissioner Young referenced the lower level bedroom shows an egress and asked where the <br /> 30 window would be located. Mr. Wiggins reviewed the layout of the addition stating that the small <br /> 31 bedroom in the lower level would include an egress window on the.west side of the house, at the <br /> 32 rear and would be covered from view by the landscaping. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 Chair Strom- gren closed the public hearing at 7:15 p.m. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Commissioner Gray stated that he is having some difficulty with the variance request noting that <br /> 37 one of the conditions for a.variance states that the property cannot be put to reasonable use . <br /> 38 without the variance. He stated that this-has not been shown in this case noting that he does <br /> 39 understand why Mr. Wiggins is requesting the variance to add on to the side of the home versus <br /> 40 the back. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Vice Chair Hanson agreed noting that Mr. Wiggins has a beautifully landscaped yard. He agreed <br /> 43 that the site lines would work beautifully and asked if they had set precedence with previous <br /> 44 requests with respect to determining reasonable criteria for granting the variance. He suggested <br /> 45 placing the deck to the north and includes the placement as a stipulation in their approval. <br /> 46 <br />
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