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-4- <br /> Before he left, Mr. Johnson said he was certain the County will provide <br /> the City with written assurances that should satisfy the proposed <br /> • contingence amendment and recommend the City actively seek to ascertain <br /> whether or not the County holds the same easement for the properties <br /> between his site and Silver Lane , information he has been unable to <br /> get himself. <br /> The Chairman said the Commission has traditionally set its own pro- <br /> cedures for organization and, because he intends to resign as Chairman <br /> as of the January 5th Council meeting, asked that nominations be <br /> taken to fill the position at this time , with the Chairman Pro Tem <br /> to be selected during the January Commission meeting. <br /> Mr. Bowerman nominated Doug Jones to serve as Chairman of the Planning <br /> Commission during 1982 and Mr. Sopcinski seconded the nomination after <br /> being assured Mr. Bjorklund will provide parliamentary procedure <br /> guidance. <br /> There being no further nominations , it was moved by Mr. Peterson and <br /> seconded by Mr. Bjorklund that a unanimous ballot be declared for <br /> Mr. Jones , .which motion passed unanimously. <br /> The meeting was recessed at 8: 50 P .M. and reconvened at 9 :00 P .M. , <br /> during which time Mrs . Makowske left the meeting. <br /> Mr. Enrooth reported he had attended the training sessions for new <br /> public officials and was particularly impressed with the session deal- <br /> ing with the vulnerability of city council and zoning commission <br /> members to successful lawsuits when financial loss can be proved to <br /> have resulted from statements made in relation to matters before those <br /> bodies . Mr. Bowerman suggested the best way to avoid this problem <br /> would be for Commission members to limit their comments strictly to <br /> the matters before them and avoid what could be construed as dis- <br /> paraging personal references to persons involved in the proposals <br /> they are considering. He also saw it as imperative that extreme <br /> caution should be taken when discussing zoning matters with the news <br /> media. <br /> Mr. Sopcinski noted the many homes in St. Anthony which have been <br /> on the market for a considerable length of time and wondered if the <br /> Council will be pressured to acknowledge a growing trend of downgrad- <br /> ing zoning standards to provide less expensive housing . He was <br /> especially concerned with the new movement to minimize standards <br /> for existing residential dwellings . Mr. Enrooth said he is certain <br /> some multiple family accommodations are existent in the City now and <br /> agreed with Mr. Bjorklund that staff should be requested to research <br /> and report back .to the Commission the zoning and legal requirements <br /> for basement apartments and other multiple living arrangements addressed <br /> in the City Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Jones thought careful consideration <br /> should be given to rejecting basement apartments and cautioned that, <br /> in the face of economic difficulties being experienced by the City , <br /> the .Commission might possible have to reduce its demands for staff <br /> time. Mr. Enrooth - believed - it to be incumbent on staff' to let the <br /> Commission know when it has overstepped requests in this regard. Mr.. - <br /> Jones and Mr. Sopcinski noted the overcrowding of residential areas <br /> they had seen in Omaha, Nebraska, and believe the City should take a <br />