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CC PACKET 01251983
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CC PACKET 01251983
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12/30/2015 3:48:30 PM
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12/30/2015 3:48:18 PM
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CC PACKET 01251983
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i� <br /> 1 <br /> A G R E E M E N T <br /> ;f 2. That the Army shall pay for and to said engineers the <br /> THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day costs of•.such feasibility study thus prepared and submitted as <br /> I specified in paragraph 1 hereof to the extent of such costs but in <br /> of January, 1983, by and between the City of St. Anthony, a e <br /> Municipal event more than the sum of Seven Thousand and no/100 ($7,000.00) <br /> corporation (hereinafter "St. Anthony") , First Party, and <br /> The Salvation Army, an Illinois corporation duly qualified to <br /> Dollars. <br /> engage in business in the State of Minnesota, (hereinafter the 3. That in the event St. Anthony and all necessary <br /> Army), Second Pary, muncipalities and state agencies accept such feasibility study and <br /> WITNESSETH THAT WHEREAS St. Anthony and Army have hereto- procure plans and specifications for the further implementation and <br /> fore entered into negotiations relative to the retention and <br /> } commitment to such drainage improvements and order such improvements <br /> employment of consulting engineers for the production of a feasibility to be made then and in such an event the obligation of the Army to <br /> study in respect of the work and contemplated public improvements pay for the costs of such feasibility study as above specified shall <br /> relating to surface drainage as more fully described in a certain cease and terminate and the cost thereof together with all other <br /> letter dated August 2, 1982 hereto attached as Exhibit "A", costs and charges incident to the commencement or completion of such <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants surface drainage project shall become a cost of development which shall <br /> and agreements herein contained St. Anthony and Army do hereby be encompassed in the overall cost delineated in a joint powers agreement <br /> agree as follows: relating thereto to be consummated by appropriate muncipalities and <br /> 1. That St. Anthony shall retain and employ Short- state agencies which St.- Anthony will cause to be effected; and, in <br /> Elliott-Hendrickson, Inc., Consulting Engineers for the purpose of any event said. project shall, after such improvements are so ordered, <br /> 'preparing and submitting to St. Anthony a feasibility study in be financed and funded in all respects through special assessments <br /> respect of the contemplated surface drainage improvement to .lands and or other project financing. <br /> thoroughfares as outlined in Exhibit "A". <br /> -2- <br /> Is'. <br /> it <br /> �1, <br />
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