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-2- <br /> approved IDB ' s for a new business in the City , which had created a <br /> number of new jobs , as well as the rehabilitation of another shopping <br /> center . Councilman Enrooth commented the proposed legislation appeared <br /> to him to be an overreaction to a few instances of bond misuse which <br /> could only be perceived to be a. case of "throwing the baby out with <br /> the bathwater" . Mr . Mosher indicated Senator Boschwitz believes the <br /> proposed capping of the funding could seriously harm Minnesota pro- <br /> jects like St. Anthony ' s but is hopeful that, with the strong op- <br /> position, like the Leagues ' which has been generated towards that <br /> legislation, Congress might abandon the per capita limitations . <br /> When he indicated he didn ' t know a lot about the City ' s project, <br /> Mr. Childs was requested to inform him about the Kenzie Terrace <br /> Redevelopment Project and its importance to the City . <br /> The Mayor and Councilman Marks told Mr. Mosher how grateful they had <br /> been for the support they received when they were in Washington from <br /> all the Minnesota delegation when they had approached H.U.D. officials <br /> to find out why the 40 unit senior subsidized housing project had not <br /> been approved for St. Anthony and to establish just what the ground <br /> rules would be for submitting a similar project which is a vital part <br /> of the Kenzie Project again next year. The Mayor told the aide he <br /> would again be seeking Senator Boschwitz ' help with H.U .D. on that <br /> project when he is in Washington in March. <br /> Senator Boschwitz had been one of nine senators who had voted against <br /> Senate Bill #66 , the federal cable telecommunication which would come <br /> up again as soon as Congress convenes , according to Mr . Mosher . He • <br /> said the Senator believed that the control of cable franchises should <br /> remain in local hands and was hopeful that the full House would be <br /> more open to amending the bill before its passage. <br /> Councilman Ranallo requested that Mr. Mosher express the Council ' s <br /> gratitude to all those persons in the Senator ' s office who had achieved <br /> what is almost impossible when they had secured passes for a family <br /> of 12 from St. P.nthony to tour the White House while they were in <br /> Washington D.C. testifying before Senator Denton' s hearing on adoptions . <br /> Mr. Childs was directed to again write to the City ' s congressional <br /> representatives to indicate the City ' s continued opposition to the <br /> proposed cap on Industrial Development Bonds . Mr. Mosher indicated <br /> he would personally deliver that message to Senator Boschwitz and <br /> urged the Council to keep the Senator informed related to the City ' s <br /> concerns about other proposed legislation. <br /> The .continuance of the discussion of the conditional use permit request <br /> from Elmwood Lutheran Church was moved up on the agenda. The matter <br /> had been tabled at the Council 's August 23rd meeting to permit further <br /> negotiation of differences between church officials and the abutting <br /> neighbors related to the church' s request to construct a 75 foot addi- <br /> tion to the existing church structure at 3615 Chelmsford, which had <br /> also been conditionally permitted in a residential district. <br /> The Planning Commission had taken testimony on the proposal at both <br /> their July 19th and August 16th meeting and when the church officials <br /> and neighbors had failed to compromise their differences , had <br />