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1 level of information about the City. Summarized that with one • <br /> 2 exception, in spite of the disparate channels of information, <br /> 3 people seem to have accepted that and have gotten used to it <br /> 4 and appear to have their means of gathering information. <br /> 5 CITY SET NEW HIGH FOR FIRST RING SUBURBS <br /> 6 To support the excellent findings his firm had found related to St. <br /> 7 Anthony, Mr. Morris reiterated that the surveyors had contacted 400 <br /> 8 randomly selected households throughout the community, which provided <br /> 9 a plus or minus accuracy rate of 5% of the feelings of the community, <br /> 10 or 95 out of 100 cases. Great precautions were taken with this <br /> 11 sampling by using a city map to keep track of where people were <br /> 12 located within the City to guarantee a good representative spread, <br /> 13 including apartments, was reflected in the results. The sample was <br /> 14 validated with available census and Metropolitan Council data, which <br /> 15 had resulted in Decisions Resources concluding they had a very <br /> 16 defendable and representative sample. <br /> 17 Mr. Morris told Councilmember Marks, it would be very hard to separate <br /> 18 out the response from the population who owned their own homes who <br /> 19 represented a very small sub-sample in the survey, but agreed thee was <br /> 20 a problem of perceived estrangement from the rest of the City in the <br /> 21 neighborhood north of 37th Avenue N.E. <br /> 22 There was general agreement that the staff should look at individual <br /> 23 mailings of the Newsletter to the apartment dwellers. Mr. Morris <br /> 24 reported Plymouth' s success in bringing its high density apartment <br /> 25 residents in touch with the rest of the community after their <br /> 26 newsletter was delivered to each apartment and Plymouth had even held <br /> 27 a couple of council meetings in those areas. He said that in spite of <br /> 28 the fact that 60a of the people in the apartment area perceived they <br /> 29 were not a part of the city and planned to move elsewhere, a second <br /> 30. survey had found the disconnection problem had disappeared. <br /> 31 Councilmember Ranallo pointed to representation that area had with <br /> 32 Mayor Haik and Commissioners Jones , McGinn and Madden. Councilmember <br /> 33 Ranallo recalled that Karen Karkula of Mirror Lake Manor had been very <br /> 34 active on another City commission, but there had been little <br /> 35 interest on the part of apartment renters to participate. <br /> 36 Mr. Childs reiterated that whatever type of information the <br /> 37 residents are getting, they seem to be comfortable with it. The <br /> 38 Manager said if staff ' s plan -'to get the Newsletter into every mail box <br /> 39 is successful, he anticipated a second survey of that Ramsey County <br /> 40 section of the City might be as positive as Plymouth' s had been when <br /> 41 it came to elimination of feelings of alienation from the rest of <br /> 42 the community. Mr. Childs also reminded the Councilmembers that about <br /> 43 a quarter of the renters have the desire to obtain permanent housing <br /> 44 in the City, which they have been unable to do because there are no <br /> 45 empty single family homes to move into, which may have contributed to • <br /> 46 their feelings of frustration. <br /> 18 <br />