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1 Makowske Perceives sprinkling Schedule Being Ignored by Some Residents • <br /> 2 When the Councilmember indicated the above, Mr. Childs told her there <br /> 3 had been enough compliance so far to avoid draining the water tanks. <br /> 4 He also said the police and fire departments are still stopping by to <br /> 5 remind those who aren' t keeping the schedule not to sprinkle during <br /> 6 restricted periods . Mayor Sundland agreed that the problem would be <br /> 7 solved in six weeks when the carbon filtration system is installed and <br /> 8 the City is able to put Well #3 back in service. He also perceived <br /> 9 neighbor pressure to comply was being imposed on the violators all <br /> 10 over the Village. <br /> 11 Recycling Task Force Minutes to be Provided to Council <br /> 12 Enrooth suggested the above as a means of keeping the Council <br /> 13 informed on the issues the Task force would be considering. The <br /> 14 Councilmember indicated the Task Force had set a goal of August for <br /> 15 returning to the Council with a recommendation. He reiterated that <br /> 16 St. Anthony, even without a curbside recycling program, was still <br /> 17 farther along than most other Hennepin County communities, but was <br /> 18 missing out on getting some funding for educations programs, etc. by <br /> 19 not having a specific program in place. Mr. Childs added that without <br /> 20 a city-wide program, the City would not be able to go much farther <br /> 21 in terms of participation levels while cities with new curbside <br /> 22 collection programs would probably catch up to and pass St. Anthony <br /> 23 in a short time. <br /> 24 Ranallo Warns of an 11% Raise in St. Anthony Property Taxes <br /> 25 The Councilmember said he had learned about the raise during the <br /> 26 various meetings on the subject held by the Minnesota League of <br /> 27 Cities Board the last few weeks. The anticipated raise in mill rate <br /> 28 had come from legislative action this session under which cities would <br /> 29 have to inform their taxpayers about the budget increases before the <br /> 30 budgets could be put into effect. <br /> 31 League of Minnesota Cities to Celebrate Its 75th Anniversary During <br /> 32 Annual Conference in St. Paul June 7 , 8 , and 9 <br /> 33 -Ranallo reported that the kick-off of the above observance would be <br /> 34 held at the Landmark Center, Tuesday evening. <br /> 35 Ranallo Proposes Band Shell Project for St. Anthony' s "Celebrate 1990" <br /> 36 Observance <br /> 37 The Councilmember said Governor Perpich had prepared an excellent <br /> 38 video in which he had urged all Minnesota communities to get involved <br /> 39 in the 1990 "Back -to Minnesota" activities. Sensing that there might <br /> 40 not be the same degree of interest for former St. Anthony residents to <br /> 41 return to their home community as there would probably be for other <br /> 42 small towns outside the metropolitan area, Councilmember Ranallo <br /> 43 suggested that, instead of a town reunion, the Council might want to • <br /> 10 <br />