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CC)'1."TSSIVw <br /> jUNL 16 , 1992 <br /> PAGE 5 <br /> J <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Chairman Faust thanked Mr . Bona for his comments and assured <br /> 8 him it was not necessary to leave . <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Commissioner Franzese suggested that Mr . Bona is not only a <br /> 11 physical presence in the area but a business presence who <br /> 12 generates a good deal of good will and business in nearby <br /> 13 areas . She inquired what he would envision as the highest and <br /> 14 best use of the property , commercial or residential . <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Mr . Bona responded that presently the back and two end sides <br /> 17 of the shopping center are very visible . He suggested that <br /> 18 murals could be painted on the building and trees and lighting <br /> 19 could be affectively used to give the center <br /> 20 character . He is quite concerned with the urban decay which <br /> 21 appears to be coming up from Central Avenue . <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Mr . Bona ' s preference for the property would be a commercial <br /> 24 enterprise such as a strip mall with businesses which would <br /> 25 not generate a great deal of traffic nor be disruptive to the <br /> 26 neighboring residential area . He noted that the use of brick <br /> 7 is very effective and long lasting. Mr . Bona was disappointed <br /> with the use of white brick at Autumn. Woods . <br /> 30 Another resident at the meeting stated he is also concerned <br /> 31 with urban decay and the value of. his property . He is a four <br /> 32 year resident of St . Anthony . He feels the service station is <br /> 33 not the problem but the two cafes were problems as are the <br /> 34 lack of landscaping and the traffic patterns . He requested he <br /> 35 be kept informed as to this development . <br /> 36 <br /> 37 The Chairman recapped the questions/concerns of the Planning <br /> 38 Commission . They are , a need to know whether income or <br /> 39 aesthetics are the primary concern with the highest and best <br /> 40 use ; what funds will be derived from the development ; the <br /> 41 appraisal of Rosie ' s Restaurant ; the definition of highest and <br /> 42 best use ; and the rationale used by BRW to recommend single <br /> 43 family dwellings . <br /> 44 <br /> 45 An ,option for the Rosie ' s Restaurant parcel could be designate <br /> 46 it as a recreational area . The Chairman felt this could be <br /> 47 considered . Commissioner Madden felt this .was not a viable <br /> 48 option . <br /> 49 <br /> 50 Commissioner Murphy suggested office space with services <br /> 5i aeared toward -e community could be considered if there were <br /> 52 a zoning for that which would differentiate between business <br /> and retail . The Chairman advised that there is a "B" zone <br /> already . Commissioner Gondorchin saw an irony in this <br />