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STAFF REPORT <br /> DATE: July 9, 1992 <br /> TO: Mayor and Councilmembers <br /> FROM: Thomas D. Burt, City Manager <br /> ITEM: MANNING'S RESTAURANT LEASE <br /> Ray Nelson has been working to find a replacement for Manning's Restaurant at the <br /> Stonehouse. Erich Schuhmacher (information attached) is very interested in taking over <br /> Manning's lease and to enter into a new agreement with the City. As you can see, he has <br /> an impressive background and it appears this would be a positive change. A copy of the <br /> proposed menu is also attached. <br /> RECOMMENDATION <br /> I recommend approval of the City Manager and Liquor Manager to work with the City <br /> Attorney's office to formalize a lease with Mr. Erich Schuhmacher regarding a restaurant <br /> lease at the Stonehouse. <br /> DID <br />