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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 28, 1996 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 building but not as pleased with the parking available. Some parking arrangements have <br /> 2 been made with Mr. Bona for parking along the side of the building in exchange for <br /> 3 maintenance of the grass. <br /> 4 Mayor Ranallo reported he had received a letter from Tom Baldin,Northwest Youth and <br /> 5 Family Services in regard to a bike ride on September 21, 1996 which would wind <br /> 6 through their service area and culminate in a central area for a picnic. They are asking if <br /> 7 the cities involved would be interested in planning city events in conjunction with the <br /> 8 ride. A meeting is scheduled for June 5, 1996 at 7:00 A.M. <br /> 9 Wagner noted there has been discussion of improving the bike route,which the Kiwanis <br /> 10 installed in 1972. If this was completed by September 21, it was a possible route for the <br /> 11 bike ride. <br /> 12 Mayor Ranallo expressed his appreciation for all the cards and calls he received during <br /> 13 his illness. <br /> 14 B. Report on Drainage District 6 <br /> 15 Mayor Ranallo reported a comprehensive study had been completed in 1992 on how to <br /> 16 eliminate the water problem in this area. The conclusion was that it would require • <br /> 17 elimination of a park to allow for installation of a pond. Barr Engineering has been asked <br /> 18 to re-examine the issue as there may be an opportunity for improvement due to the <br /> 19 possibility of redevelopment of the trailer park in the area. <br /> 20 Dennis Palmer, Barr Engineering explained the three alternatives which were presented in <br /> 21 1992 had been re-examined. The three alternatives include increased downstream storm <br /> 22 sewer capacity at a cost of$6 million, construction of a combination of stormwater ponds <br /> 23 and diversion at a cost of$3 million, or flood protection of existing property. The third <br /> 24 alternative was chosen in 1992. <br /> 25 Mr. Palmer reported current analysis illustrates that the first alternative would have a cost <br /> 26 to benefit ratio of 4. The second alternative would require much of the trailer park parcel <br /> 27 to build a very large pond. It would also require a very large relief system to provide <br /> 28 capacity to carry overflow from areas North of 29th Avenue and local flows. This <br /> 29 alternative would also have a cost to benefit ratio of 4. Based on economics neither <br /> 30 alternative is feasible. <br /> 31 Mr. Palmer recommended that any developer of the trailer park parcel be required to <br /> 32 provide storage for runoff which originates in that area which will require approximately <br /> 33 one to two acres of area. <br /> 34 Mayor Ranallo noted there are less than twenty homes affected in the area. • <br />