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l Northwest Youth & Family Services <br /> 3490 Lexington Avenue North Shoreview, MN 55126 (612) 486-3808 FAX (612) 486-3858 <br /> December 8, 1997 <br /> Mr.Michael Morrison <br /> y <br /> City of St. Anthony o 10 0 - 3 o <br /> 3301 Silver Lake Road <br /> St. Anthony,MN 55418 <br /> Dear Mike: <br /> As you are well aware we have been trying to figure out a way'to either update the current Joint Powers <br /> Agreement or come up with some other contractual means of indicating a financial commitment to NYFS. <br /> At the November 24 Roseville City Council meeting a motion was passed to do two steps. They extended <br /> their participation in the present Joint Powers Agreement through the first quarter of 1998. Between now <br /> and then,with the assistance of their city manager and their attorney, a dissolution of the present Joint <br /> Powers Agreement will be drafted and shared with all participating cities. In addition a uniform contract <br /> will be drafted indicating financial support for particular services, specifically counseling,youth <br /> employment,and youth diversion. The intent is to have this contract extend for five years,so this will not <br /> have to be an annual issue,although there will be an escape clause so any city can withdraw if it so desires. <br /> • One issue that will be dealt with within this process will be the determination of what happens to any <br /> present or future assets if.the agency should at some point be dissolved. <br /> This.plan was actually developed with the assistance of Matt Fulton, Steve Sarkozy,Joel Hanson,Terry <br /> Schwerin and myself. 'I believe it will respond to the multiple concerns raised by the various city attorneys <br /> last fall. If there are particular things we have missed,please let me know so they can be included in the <br /> final process. I am hopeful that we will be able to resolve all of this now. <br /> In the meantime,I would request that you continue with your plan for financially supporting the agency in <br /> 1998 in one of two ways. Either pay the entire requested amount in January,or pay one-fourth of the <br /> allocation in January. This will enable us to continue to function while this matter is finally being resolved. <br /> The requested amount for your city for 1998,based on a pre capita rate of $1.20 is$2,500. <br /> Thanks for all your help,patience and cooperation in this process. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> KAY Z. ANDREWS,LICS W <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR <br /> CC: File <br />