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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 26, 1998 <br /> Page 7 <br /> 1 Cavanaugh stated that Mr. Alvite has not brought a proposal to the City. He should start the <br /> 2 process,the City should not have to take the initiative. <br /> 3 Mornson reported Mr. Alvite has applied for a conditional use permit for the Town& Country <br /> 4 site. The request will be on the June 16, 1998 Planning Commission agenda. <br /> 5 D. Presentation of City's 1997 Audit by Stuart Bonniwell. <br /> 6 Stuart Bonniwell, Certified Public Accountant,explained each section of the 1997 Financial <br /> 7 Report for the City of St. Anthony. <br /> 8 Mayor Ranallo noted a Management Letter which was prepared by Mr. Bonniwell and submitted <br /> 9 to the City on April 17, 1998. Ranallo reported that the Council had met in work session with <br /> 10 Mr. Bonniwell to discuss the recommendations included in that letter. <br /> 11 Marks asked if the rationale for reserving funds was to guard the City in case of a shortage of <br /> 12 revenue and also to provide a better bond rating, therefore making it less expensive to borrow <br /> 13 money and actually saving money in the long-term. <br /> 14 Mr. Bonniwell stated this is correct. The interest rates provided to the City are considerably <br /> 5 lower as a result of the reserves that the City has built up over the years. <br /> 16 Cavanaugh asked if the amount of$250,000 in the Internal Service Fund had been tested to <br /> 17 determine the adequacy of the figure. He asked what was actually paid each year. <br /> 18 Mr. Bonniwell noted that if all the City employees quit their jobs,this would be the amount <br /> 19 owed to them. He stated that last year approximately$30,000 to $35,000 was paid. The liability <br /> 20 last year grew by $25,000. This is a combination of more people retiring and a higher deferred <br /> 21 amount. <br /> 22 Cavanaugh asked if Mr. Bonniwell audits the Liquor Budget. He noted that one of the <br /> 23 recommendations was that it is critical to the liquor operation that an accurate,complete and <br /> 24 reasonable budget be prepared to reflect all operating costs, including debt service requirements. <br /> 25 on bonds and other debts issued. <br /> 26 Mr. Bonniwell stated it is critical to have outstanding amounts shown in the budget and to show <br /> 27 that there will be a sufficient profit,taking into account the cost of the bonds and future costs. <br /> 28 The liquor budget which has been prepared has not been prepared with general fund accuracy <br /> 29 and details to support the entries. <br /> 30 Cavanaugh asked if Mr. Bonniwell had audited the new liquor inventory system. <br /> 1 Mr. Bonniwell stated he had worked with the system but had not audited it. He stated the audit is <br /> 32 performed by the vendor to demonstrate that the system does what it is supposed to do. <br />