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27 <br /> • Date: /d b/ Fee:— $130.00 <br /> CITY OF ST. ANTHONY <br /> APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT <br /> w : <br /> Applicant: M 1 'r H 5- L f- Phone:,Y uta - 2tou - 3aY <br /> Address: /D 13 RAE- Qaw f- #y 2ICH .1fL/, , M w S5 V <br /> Status of applicant (owner, buyer, renter, agent, etc.): L C A5 f /!L k N r <br /> Street address and/or legal description of property in question: <br /> 500 W f Lo 3fL14 H T 0 0ULi-UA2� i�� ,, ivy, /0.9 <br /> Zoning district in which property is located: -!S u 6Q - r-o gt w V20 A L IDI ST/I is r <br /> Conditional use proposed: IAA 6 ug V"'S F i rN4SS C i 2 H;F A LTN c Lu rb <br /> Minnesota Statutes and City Ordinances require that the following conditions be satisfied <br /> before a conditional use may be authorized. Please respond to these conditions, using <br /> additional sheets, if necessary. <br /> 1) The proposed conditional use is one of the conditional- uses specifically listed for the <br /> zoning district in which it is to be located. <br /> y S - lt £ALT tl Czu16 <br /> 2) The proposed conditional use will-not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general <br /> welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity or injurious to property values or <br /> improvements in the vicinity:: <br /> LVILL Nb 'f i'Ji. OfT2�I�t£NT��. <br /> 3) The proposed conditional use is necessary or desirable at the above location to <br /> provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of public convenience and will <br /> ® contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community. <br /> Signature of applicant: �� <br /> 10 =23=01A * 130 . nnrs <br />