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44 <br /> INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM <br /> TO: MICHAEL J.MORNSON <br /> FROM: JOEL A.HEWITT <br /> SUBJECT: FIRE MOTOR PUMPIMG APPARATUS BID AWARD <br /> DATE: 4/16/2003 <br /> CC: CITY CLERK <br /> In the 2003 Capital Improvement Project Fund is budgeted$330,000 dollars for a new pumping <br /> Engine schedule to replace a 1975 Engine. Over the past several months the fire department's truck <br /> committee has been investigating the availability of manufacturer's demonstrators.To discover if any <br /> available apparatus would meet our needs and provide us a savings in this purchase. Over the past <br /> thirty days we have advertised for bid proposals from manufactures of Ere motor apparatus.. <br /> On Friday April 11,2003 The Fire Department received six bids on our departments pumping fire <br /> motor apparatus specifications. Bids ranged from a low of$245,916 to a high of$315,450.The truck <br /> committee is in the process of reviewing the six bid proposals.To date the committee has not <br /> formulated their recommendation,however a recommendation is expected to be provided at the <br /> April 22,2003 City Council meeting. <br /> If you have any questions or concerns please call on me. <br />