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41 <br /> closer than 20 feet. Residential housing is at the southern (side) line of the <br /> subject property and at the eastern (rear) property line. The other two sides are <br /> roadways. <br /> A conditional use permit is also required and has been filed by the petitioner for the gas <br /> station use in the commercial zoning district. <br /> At the December concept review, Planning Commissioners viewed the proposed plan <br /> and offered comments. In general, Commissioners were concerned the site will be too <br /> dense with adding the proposed pumps. They felt circulation o the site would be difficult <br /> and reducing the number of parking spaces is moving in the wrong direction. One <br /> Commissioner gave an idea the petitioner could consider: to add a one-sided island on <br /> the grassy area. The petitioner has not submitted revised plans since the December <br /> concept review. <br /> Michael Mornson <br /> City Manager <br />