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PL PACKET 10181988
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PL PACKET 10181988
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12/30/2015 3:38:26 PM
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12/30/2015 3:38:13 PM
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PL PACKET 10181988
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1 would have to be taken out, Mr. Hoium said. He told Commissioner <br /> 2 London the area consisted of soft but probably not swampy soil. <br /> i3 One resident said he thought more. definitive soil information was <br /> 4 needed to prove single family homes would not be feasible. Mr. Hoium <br /> 5 told him most of the bad soil was in the 20 foot depth range. Mr. <br /> 6 Hoium also commented that an apartment house would be the most <br /> 7 feasible development on this site, with the least amount of soil <br /> 8 corrections for the maximum number of units , but no one wanted to see <br /> 9 that type of development on the site. All the streets in the project <br /> 10 would be private. <br /> 11 Drainage <br /> 12 Mr. Hill reiterated that the final drainage plan would be up to the <br /> 13 Rice Creek Watershed District but the developers had not yet involved <br /> 14 civil engineers in the project. From preliminary studies they knew <br /> 15 they had to handle water from the neighboring properties with some sort <br /> 16 of retention pond which had been briefly discussed with the City. <br /> 17 Buildings ' Exteriors Discussed <br /> 18 Mr. Hill expanded on Evergreen' s application by saying all the <br /> 19 exteriors would be maintenance free to steel, vinyl, or aluminum to <br /> 20 meet the retired persons demands with predominately narrow boards and <br /> 21 use of brick depending on where the unit is located. There would be <br /> 22 asphalt roofs. <br /> 3 Ms. Sheehy said she had just finished selling the last village <br /> 4 Townhouse for Brighton Development. , She said it had taken 2-1/2 years <br /> 25 to sell the project because those units with all the stairs were just <br /> 26 not the type of residences St. Anthony buyers were looking for. The <br /> 27 marketing vice president showed a large book of many pages showing the <br /> 28 large number of people who had looked at those units. Half of the <br /> 29 buyers were single women, mostly 40 and under and not from St. <br /> 30 Anthony, she said, because those floor plans were not what St. Anthony <br /> 31 residents wanted. The Evergreen executive said she learned from <br /> 32 talking to the St. Anthony lookers that there is a large untapped <br /> 33 source of buyers from St. Anthony who don' t want to leave the City and <br /> 34 would probably be more interested in the floor plans proposed for this <br /> 35 project. <br /> 36 Commission Hears From Neighbors Who Either Oppose or Had Concerns About <br /> 37 the Proposal <br /> 38 Birger Kylander, 4013 Fordham Drive, didn' t want the City to give "a <br /> 39 blanket rezoning to the property without specifically knowing what' s <br /> 40 going in there" . Indicated that if Evergreen didn' t go ahead with <br /> 41 their plans, the neighbors could be left with a project like Mirror <br /> 42- Lane , which he said looked like "army barracks" . He perceived the <br /> 43 conditional use permit process should be used in this case. <br /> • 11 <br />
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