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1. I <br /> City Council Regular Meeting Minutes =' <br /> March 14, 2000 • <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1. Council ordered a feasibility study to be completed on a project for 33rd Avenue NE. <br /> 2 Moreover, a neighborhood meeting was held on October 28, 1999 to inform the residents of the <br /> 3 plans and schedule of the improvements. <br /> 4 SEH prepared a feasibility study (dated November 23, 1999) and presented the report to the City <br /> 5 Council at the November 30, 1999 regular meeting. In short, the report outlined the scope for re- <br /> 6 habilitation of the concrete pavement on 33rd Avenue from Silver Lake Road to Stinson Boule- <br /> z vard, concrete sidewalk improvements, along the north side of the roadway and sanitary sewer <br /> 8 and storm sewer improvements. <br /> 9 On November 30, 1999, the City Council accepted the feasibility study and authorized the prepa- <br /> 10 ration of final plans and specifications. In this respect, Mr. Potz presented an aerial photograph <br /> 11 of the area involved for reconstruction and reviewed in detail the work to be accomplished and <br /> 12 the time frame involved. <br /> 13 Mr. Potz stated that the construction would be completed in three phases, beginning in May 2000 <br /> 14 and ending completely by October 2000. A neighborhood meeting is scheduled for May 2000. <br /> 15 Cavanaugh inquired about the total cost of the project. Mr. Potz stated that the total estimated • <br /> 16 cost is $690,000. <br /> 17 City Manager Michael Morrison stated that the neighborhood would receive a weekly newsletter <br /> 18 during the construction period, which would provide updates and information about the progress <br /> 19 of the project. <br /> 20 Motion by Hodson to approve Resolution 00-023, a resolution approving plans and specifications <br /> 21 and ordering advertisement for bids, wherein the City Council of the City of St. Anthony deems: <br /> 22 1) Such improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible as detailed in the feasibility <br /> 23 re port. <br /> 24. 2) Such plans and specifications are hereby approved. <br /> 25 3) The consulting engineering firm shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official <br /> 26 paper and in the Construction Bulletin, an advertisement for bids upon the making of <br /> 27 such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement <br /> 28 shall be published for two times, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids <br /> 29 will be opened on April 14, 2000 and bids the responsibility of the bidders will be <br /> 30 considered by the City Council at 7:00 p.m. on April 25, 2000 in the Council Chambers <br /> 31 of the City Hall. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of <br /> 32 the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. <br /> 33 No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the clerk and accompanied by a <br /> 34 cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City of St. <br />