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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> April 16, 2002 <br /> Page 7 <br /> 1 Mr. Sparks reviewed several photos of the proposed Culvers. He indicated the dining <br /> 2 room was the major difference between Culvers and other fast food restaurants. Mr. <br /> 3 Sparks noted the blue and white color scheme has become the trademark and indicated <br /> 4 approximately$30,000 would be spent on the landscape plan for space. He <br /> 5 indicated there would be roughly 8-10 outdoor patio settees. . <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Chair Melsha questioned if the traffic gets backed up often in the drive through, with <br /> 8 customers having to wait for their orders. Mr. Sparks noted this becomes a minimal <br /> 9 problem and is addressed at a staffing level to maximize staff at peak times. He <br /> 10 explained drive-through orders are stressed to be complete within 4-5 minutes. Mr. <br /> 1 1 Sparks noted the layout of the drive-through as it exists does allow for some stacking. <br /> 12 He explained that at Culvers, 30%of the orders are drive-through with 70% of the orders <br /> 13 are in house. Mr. Sparks indicated Culvers is seen as a destination restaurant as opposed <br /> 14 to other fast food restaurants. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Commissioner Hanson asked how many people would be hired for this restaurant. Mr. <br /> 17 Sparks indicated there were roughly 60 positions. He noted 14 employees would be fiill- <br /> 18 time with all others maintaining part-time employment, the majority being teens. Mr. <br /> 19 Sparks noted Culvers has a very low turnover rate in comparison to other fast food <br /> 20 establishments. He indicated this has much to do with the philosophy behind Culvers <br /> 21 and their community involvement. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Chair Melsha thanked Mr. Sparks for his presentation and stated he looked forward to <br /> 24 seeing him again in May or June. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 9.2 Northwest Quadrant Redevelopment Update. <br /> 27 Henry stated the Commissioners could review the business newsletter enclosed in their <br /> 28 packets which was mailed out recently and noted Len Pratt is working with a group to <br /> 29 structure his conversations as he moves forward to addressing the surrounding businesses <br /> 30 and property owners. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 X. ANNOUNCEMENTS. <br /> 33 Commissioner Hanson noted some of the plywood has been taking down on the library at <br /> 34 Apache, he noted they are making progress and that the library will be open within a month. He <br /> 35 noted there were still several vacant spots within the mall. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Commissioner Thomas handed out information on the Living Green Expo and invited the <br /> 38 Commissioners to attend. He cautioned the Commissioners that Culvers not be moved through <br /> 39 the Planning Commission process too quickly. Commissioner Thomas stated he wanted to make <br /> 40 sure this project met the design standards of the PUD. Henry stated she would be forwarding <br /> 41 plans to the design team so they are able to offer comments. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 Chair Melsha asked how they felt about Culvers at this time. Commissioner Hanson stated this <br /> 44 site also is outside of the main square,which may leave the design standards more open. <br /> 45 <br />