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Parking Variance Request Narrative <br /> 1. Lot size does not permit us to comply with the required parking ordinance <br /> 2,3. We feel the ordinance based on the total restaurant square footage does not take- <br /> into consideration the amount of square footage allocated to the kitchen, and storage <br /> areas, which are designed to meet the needs of a 33% drive thru business. In addition, we <br /> have square footage allocated to a self serve soda and condiment area. <br /> We feel comfortable that our parking proposal of 68 stalls is adequate based on the <br /> following: <br /> We have seating for 160 people, which is effective seating estimated at 110 people, <br /> due to the number of seats left open as parties less that four sit at the four and five top <br /> tables, and often, single parties sit at the two tops. In addition, we are a family restaurant, <br /> and as such, there are normally two to four people per car requiring a parking stall. <br /> Assuming the average is three per car for 110 people, this would require 40 stalls for <br /> customers sitting down. We need 15 employee parking stalls, which still leaves 13 stalls <br /> for people in line waiting to order. We have 60 parking stalls in Vadnais Heights, which <br /> has caused no operational or traffic hardships. <br />