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• St. Anthony Chemical Abuse Information Committee <br /> June 8 , 1983 <br /> Present: Tom Lindskoog , Jean Klosterman, Barb Malrick, Jan Stroom, <br /> Evelyn Holthus , and Pat Beaubien.' <br /> The meeting was called to order by Pres . Jean Klosterman. Minutes <br /> were read and corrected to read that Tom Lindskog was present. <br /> No treasurer 's report. was given due to absence of treasurer. It was <br /> reported that the brochure bill for $294 ,95 had been paid to Tracy <br /> Printing. <br /> The brochure "Have a Safe and Sane Party" was presented . Discussion <br /> was held on how to display them at the liquor stores. Barb Malerick <br /> will look for 2 display racks to use at both of the village liquor <br /> stores . Tom Lindskog will talk to the liquor store manager and give <br /> each store a supply of pamphlets and the display holder. <br /> Jean Klosterman reported that community service agreed to include <br /> the emergency numbers in the spring bulletin. They were listed on <br /> the bulletin 's inside cover. <br /> Evelyn Holthus will write an article for the city newsletter which <br /> • will come out in July. <br /> It was decided to leave re-printing of the emergency cards until next <br /> fall in the event that numbers change . . <br /> Evelyn has received materials for the churches that outline what the <br /> churches can do in the field of chemical awareness and the materials <br /> will be mailed to them. <br /> Evelyn reported on the June 6th meeting she attended in preparation for <br /> the fall program and town meeting called "The Chemical People" that <br /> is scheduled for Nov. 1 ,2 , 3 , 1983 . She suggested that our committee <br /> contact the local Lions group for leadership in the town meeting since <br /> the topic of chemical awareness is a national topic for them this year. <br /> Persons were asked about next years service on this committee . At this <br /> point two persons will need to be appointed by the city council, school <br /> board appointees will serve again if reappointed. Tom Lindskog's <br /> address needs to be corrected to 3335 Skycroft Drive . <br /> Jean will call Community. services about putting the emergency numbers <br /> in the Fall Bulletin. The committee was informed that a letter had been <br /> sent to Community Services. encourageing them to apply for a grant for <br /> a. Youth Service, Bureau counselor for the village . <br /> Jean will contact Roseville city Newsletter to see if the article "Take <br /> • The Alcoholic Quiz , Facts and Fallicies of Alcohol Use" can be. copied <br /> and used in St. Anthony City Nesletter. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 8: 30 . The next meeting will t;e---3.n Sept. <br /> Respectfully submitted , <br />