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CC PACKET 11131984
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CC PACKET 11131984
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12/30/2015 4:00:44 PM
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CC PACKET 11131984
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-6- <br />.qqa - <br />`j Motion by Councilman :Makowske and seconded by Councilman Ranallo to approve a license <br /> under Section 445:00 of the .City.Ordinance for the fund rai si ng::.gambl i ng events <br /> sponsored by the ..Legion- in their clubrooms at 2701 Kenzi.e Terrace N.E. , for which <br /> a $100 application fee would be .charged. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> The water and sewer bills, which had gone out that week, represented a 47% sewer <br /> rate increase and a 12% water rate increase. The billings also spelled out that <br />} of the money received by the City for sewer charges, 19% went for City costs and <br />' 81% would be passed through to the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, according <br /> to the Manager, who told 'Councilman Makowske the Public Works Director had partici- <br /> pated in the calibration of the metering stations. However, he noted that the rate <br /> of increase in the MWCC charges to the City had slowed appreciably since their <br /> representatives had met with the Council . <br /> Councilman Makowske reported on her attendance at the October 17th Ramsey County <br /> League of Local Government where Chuck Wiger, the City 's representative on the <br /> Metropolitan Council , had reported on the Metro Council and its effectiveness. They <br /> City Council member indicated she had been impressed with the discussion of pro- <br /> vision of transportation for the elderly, which Councilman Makowske perceived should <br /> be a concern of City officials as well . In lieu of a lengthy verbal report on the <br /> meeti-ng,- the Councilman indicated she would be passing around pieces of literature <br /> she had collected at the meeting which might be of interest to the rest of the <br /> PCouncil and Mayor. <br /> Mr. Childs said he believes an insurance settlement for the Hertogs property would <br /> be made very soon and he anticipates the owners would be in during November to <br /> present their proposal for replatting their property into seven residential lots. <br /> The Manager has had no further information regarding the Johnson plans . <br /> Mayor Sundland indicated he and Mr. Childs would be meeting with the Metropolitan <br /> Airport Commission Noise Abatement Staff the following morning and said he intended <br /> to request the Commission take sound measurements in the City, as they have in other <br /> communities, so City officials would have objective points of reference for dis- <br /> cussion with residents who call complaining about the airplane noise levels over <br /> St. Anthony. <br /> s <br /> In his October 8th memorandum related to the Sister Cities International , the Manager <br /> had reported that there had been over 10 community organizations who had expressed a <br /> a desire to be represented on a proposed committee related to the Sister Cities <br /> program. Mr. Childs had also indicated he perceived there would be no problem with <br /> justifying the expenditure of $100 for membership fees with such a positive response <br /> from the community and had given his recommendations on how the advisory committee <br /> should be set up and administered by the Council . When the discussion turned to the <br /> selection of a Sister City for St. Anthony, Councilman Makowske commented that, with <br /> the level of interest in the program which had been demonstrated by such a varied <br /> cross section of the community, she perceived there would .probably be no reason for <br />�I limiting the contact to only one .city. <br /> Motion by Councilman Ranallo and seconded by Councilman Marks to authorize the City's <br /> participation in the Sister Cities International Program by payment of the $100 • <br /> I membership fee; to set up a Sister Cities Advisory Committee made up of representa- <br /> tives from the various organizations who have. indicated an interest in participation <br />
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