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� � L <br /> If this restaurant is in conjunction with another business(resort,etc.),describe the business. <br /> • <br /> OTHER INFORMATION <br /> 1. Have the applicant or associates been granted an on-sale non-intoxicating malt beverage(3.2)and/or a"set-up"license <br /> in conjunction with this wine license?ei(Yes ❑ No <br /> 2. Is the applicant or any of the ssociates in this application a member of the county board or the city council which will <br /> issue this license? ❑Yes RNo <br /> If yes,in what capacity? (If the applicant is the spouse of a member of the governing body,or <br /> another family relationship exists,the member shall not vote on this application.) <br /> 3. During thep�st license year has a summons been issued under the liquor civil liability law(Dram Shop) (MS. 340A 802). <br /> ❑ Yes ❑UGo If yes attach a copy of the summons. <br /> { <br /> 4. Has the applicant or any of the associates in this application been convicted during the past five years of any violation of <br /> federal,state or local liquor laws in this state or any other state? ❑ Yes (6 No If yes,give date and details. <br /> 5. Does any person other than the applicants, have any right,title or int n the furniture,fixtures uip ent' <br /> licensed premises? CKYes ❑ Flo If yes give names and details. ��v��lA� <br /> 6. Have the applicants any interests,directly or indirectly, in any other liquor establishment in Minnesota? ❑ Yes A No <br /> If yes, give name and address of the establishment. <br /> I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ THE ABOVE 1LffZT4G4,3 AND THAT THE ANSWERS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT OF <br /> MY OWN KNOWLEDGE. 9 �� <br /> Signet a of Applicant Date <br /> REPORT BY POLICE OR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT <br /> This is to certify that the applicant, and the associates, named herein have not been convicted within the past five <br /> years for any violation of Laws of the State of Minnesota, Municipal or County. <br /> Ordinances relating to Intoxicating Liquor, except as follows <br /> Police,Sheriff Department Name Title Signature • <br />