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CC PACKET 12221987
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CC PACKET 12221987
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12/30/2015 4:26:35 PM
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CC PACKET 12221987
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1 There was concurrence that the ability to attend meetings regularly• <br /> 2 should be re-emphasized during the interviews to fill the three <br /> 3 vacancies left.- when- Commissioner Wingard moved .away, . which were then <br /> 4 scheduled to be .held at 7 : M P.M. , . January 5th, with appointments to <br /> 5 be made in time for seven members to be in attendance for the <br /> 6 Commission' s first meeting in- 1988 , January 20th. <br /> 7 TCAAP Litigation Update <br /> 8 Mr . Childs said he met with Captain Connor the previous week and <br /> 9 found there were two .separate tracks leading to settlement. <br /> 10 First, the Army has started to check the costs the City has incurred <br /> 11 because of the water contamination seepage from the arms plant, and <br /> 12 while not admitting any liability at this time, had agreed that, if <br /> 13 they are proven liable , they would pay all of the allowable costs . <br /> 14 The City Manager said he had gotten from his conversation with Captain <br /> 15 Connor the impression that the key man to a final settlement would <br /> 16 more than likely be one of their environmental engineers ; Peter Wirth, <br /> 17 who is waiting for some computer data from the State of Minnesota. <br /> 18 However , he said that could be a long time coming because three of <br /> 19 the four persons who had worked on this project for the MPCA had <br /> 20 moved on and their replacements had not yet been found. <br /> 21 Mr. Childs indicated he was in touch with that department to see what <br /> 22 the holdup was , but as he had previously told one of the Councilmem- <br /> 23 bers , he believed it would be necessary for the City to look for some <br /> 24 expert like someone from Bruce Liesch to contact Mr. Wirth to find out <br /> 25 just what data is still missing; find out where that information is ; <br /> 26 take it back to the engineer and then determine just what else would <br /> 27 be necessary for him to tell the Army et al they were responsible for <br /> 28 contaminating the City' s water supply. <br /> 29 In regard to the class action litigation itself , Mr. Childs told the <br /> 30 Councilmembers the settlement conference or class certification <br /> 31 meeting had been postponed until January 5th. However, in the <br /> 32 meantime , Special Master Short had given all class plaintiffs until <br /> 33 the end of the week to put together a firm settlement demand to which <br /> 34 the Army et al have to respond before December 21sy with a .firm <br /> 35 counter claim with the level of specificity the claimants have needed <br /> 36 in the first place . <br /> 37 Mr: Childs concluded by saying he should be able to give the Council <br /> 38 a final estimation of what it would cost to retain Bruce Liesch during <br /> 39 the short meeting he perceived the Council would have to hold sometime <br /> 40 after the bids have come in for the pedestrian signal and to pay <br /> 41 bills , including the contractor ' s which had been tabled that evening. <br /> 42 Land Acquisition Decision Delayed for Further Information <br /> • <br /> 20 <br />
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