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• <br /> JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT <br /> FOR POLICE SERVICES <br /> This Agreement is made and entered into as of 1994, between the CITY <br /> OF ST. ANTHONY, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota <br /> ("St. Anthony")and the CITY OF FALCON HEIGHTS, a municipal.corporation under the laws <br /> of the State of Minnesota ("Falcon Heights"). The services to be performed under this <br /> Agreement will commence January 1, 1995. <br /> 1. Purpose. <br /> St. Anthony and Falcon Heights have the power within their respective cities to provide <br /> for the prevention of crime and for police protection. Under Minnesota Statutes, Section <br /> 471.59, the cities may, by agreement, provide for the exercise of the police power by one city <br /> on behalf of the other city. <br /> This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which St. Anthony will provide <br /> police services for Falcon Heights. St. Anthony will have full authority and responsibility to <br /> provide services in accordance with all enabling legislation under the laws of the State of <br /> Minnesota and the ordinances of Falcon Heights. St. Anthony will provide feedback to the <br /> Falcon Heights City Administrator and City Council on a regular and timely basis, and will <br /> actively support the creation of a committee whose members come from both cities, and whose <br /> purpose is to review, monitor, and ensure a successful relationship between the two cities under <br /> this Agreement. <br /> 2. Interpretation. <br /> This Agreement is entered following the preparation by Falcon Heights of a Request for <br /> Proposal for Police Services and the submission of a responsive Proposal by St. Anthony (the <br /> "Proposal"). The Proposal is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A. To the extent that any <br /> of the provisions of this Agreement are inconsistent with the provisions of the Proposal, the <br /> provisions.of this Agreement will control. If any provision of this Agreement is ambiguous, the <br /> parties agree that the Proposal may be looked to as evidence of the parties' intent. <br /> 3. Services. <br /> St. Anthony will provide Falcon Heights with 24-hour police service, and will physically <br /> place a certified officer within the boundaries of Falcon Heights 24 hours each day, except in <br /> those instances when the officer makes an arrest and transports a prisoner, during mutual aid <br /> situations, when providing a backup for another officer, or when called away for a court <br /> appearance, booking or similar police matter. Subject to these exceptions and in normal <br /> circumstances, St. Anthony will provide 24-hour police protection and police presence each day <br /> within the City of Falcon Heights. <br /> nsm.s <br />