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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> July 12, 1994 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 much better pace and that the Town and Country Food Store will have a food <br /> 2 booth from which profits will be donated to the swim team. <br /> 3 Councilmember Marks reminded the Councilmembers of the dinner they will be <br /> 4 hosting for the President of Salo, Finland and his family on August 9th. <br /> 5 Councilmember Wagner met with the architects who are working on improving <br /> 6 or building the Community Center. The architect would like to attend the <br /> 7 August 3rd Work Session to provide Councilmembers with an update of the <br /> 8 plans. Wagner is hoping the decision to reconstruct or remodel will be able to <br /> 9 be made by September of this year. The Mayor suggested that Council receive <br /> 10 input from residents at Town Meetings before the final decision is made. <br /> 11 Councilmember Fleming noted that residents have relayed to her their <br /> 12 satisfaction with the street construction manager, saying he is cooperative and <br /> 13 even cordial. <br /> 14 Fleming noted that the Library Task Force is appreciative of the article in the <br /> Focus newspaper about the library. She said that Mayor Ranallo had sent the <br /> new Library Director, Charles Brown, a letter and she suggested a definite date <br /> 17 be set for the meeting the Mayor had mentioned in that letter. Volunteers are <br /> 18 still needed for the door-to-door campaign for the library, which will take place <br /> 19 on Monday, July 18th. Councilmember Fleming asked the other <br /> 20 Councilmembers to assist in the campaign and said volunteers will meet in <br /> 21 Room'9 before 4:00 P.M. She suggested that the library message be placed on <br /> 22 the Kiwanis community Bulletin Board. She also said that in the Hennepin <br /> 23 County portion of St. Anthony 3,935 persons have a library card. This <br /> 24 campaign can serve as a reminder to card holders to use their cards. The <br /> 25 Councilmember added that she hopes news reporters will be present for this <br /> 26 event and that she would like to see it on the City's cable TV channel. <br /> 27 B. Cily Manager, <br /> 28 City Manager Mornson listed a tentative schedule for the Knox proposal: <br /> 29 August 16th, Planning Commission will hear the amendment to the Zoning <br /> 30 Ordinance for a permitted conditional use in a "C" Commercial, District, and at <br /> 31 either the August 16th or September 20th Planning Commission meeting, the <br /> 32 hearing for the conditional use permit request will be set. Councilmember <br /> 33 Wagner inquired if the lumber yard will be attached. The City Manager <br /> responded that it was not and therefore will remove the word "attached" in the <br /> proposed ordinance amendment. <br />