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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • September 24, 1996 <br /> Page 7 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Marks questioned if the City Council had a conflict of interest in this proposal. <br /> 3 Faust stated if the Council had treated someone differently than themselves,there would <br /> 4 be room for criticism. However, this has not been the case. <br /> 5 Wagner again noted this was similar to the variance request of the video sales and bagel <br /> 6 store site. <br /> 7 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 8 Mr. Jay Scott, Opus Corporation, stated both the CUB Foods Store and the video sales <br /> 9 and bagel shop site are planning to be completed in March of 1997. He reported there <br /> 10 have been some successful meetings with Herbergers. This is important as Herbergers <br /> 11 needs to play an active role and be a team player in development of the site. <br /> 12 3. Comprehensive Plan Consultant Update. <br /> 13 Chair Bergstrom reported in April of 1995,the Planning Commission began discussions <br /> 14 of updating the Comprehensive Plan. Since then, much energy and time has been spent <br /> meeting with the department heads of the City,people in communities adjacent to the <br /> City and the Metropolitan Council. Bergstrom stated six proposals were sent out for a <br /> 17 Comprehensive Plan Consultant and four proposals were returned. The four companies <br /> 18 including Sanders, Wakes, DSU, and BRW,were then interviewed by the Planning <br /> 19 Commission. Upon vote,the Planning Commission consensus was to enter into a <br /> 20 contract for the Comprehensive Update with BRW. The prices of the proposals ranged <br /> 21 from$27,000 to $39,000. <br /> 22 Bergstrom stated the exact scope of the Update will be determined in the next few <br /> 23 months. He stated he would like a kick-off meeting to be scheduled for October 29, 1996 <br /> 24 to include the Planning Commisison, City Council and Comprehensive Plan Consultant. <br /> 25 A task force could then be created which may include such people as 3 or 4 members of <br /> 26 the Planning Commission, 2 members of the City Council, City Manager and <br /> 27 Management Assistant, representatives of the School Board, the Churches,Homeowner <br /> 28 Associations, Industry, Commercial businesses, and a realtor. He felt the task force <br /> 29 should include approximately 15 members. <br /> 30 Morrison stated the contract for Comprehensive Plan Consultant would be on the agenda <br /> 31 of the October 8, 1996 City Council meeting. He noted there will be several other <br /> 32 documents required to be encorpoated with the Comprehensive Plan Update that are not <br /> 33 included in this proposal and that will have an additional cost and utilize a different <br /> consultant. <br /> 36 B. Councilmembers. <br />