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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> August 26, 1997 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 1 Commissioner Makowske reported that Commissioner Franzese made a motion to approve the <br /> 2 variance which died for lack of a second. The Planning Commission eventually voted to deny <br /> 3 the petition for variance (4-1; 2 Commissioners were absent). <br /> 4 Councilmember Faust questioned the zoning and also if a site plan had been presented to the <br /> 5 Planning Commission. <br /> 6 Commissioner Makowske stated that the property was zoned R-4. He then displayed the site <br /> 7 plan on the overhead screen and described the site. <br /> 8 Mr. Lorenz, 3821 Foss Road, stated the north side of his property abutted the back side of the <br /> 9 St. Anthony Self-Storage. He has received no complaints from the owner of that property. <br /> 10 He stated one hardship was a problem with flooding in the lower unit of the tri-plex. During <br /> 11 a heavy rainfall the water pools in the area of the storage building and flows into the lower <br /> 12 unit. He stated he has spent a lot of money and time on this problem. <br /> 13 Councilmember Marks asked if the area of the storage building was partially filled in by a <br /> 14 previous owner. Mr. Lorenz stated he believed it was filled with a lot of large rocks that are <br /> 15 beginning to surface in the area. <br /> �6 Mr. Lorenz stated another hardship was that he did not have a garage. The proposal would <br /> 7 also provide enough area on the asphalt so that each owner could have two parking spaces. <br /> 18 Mr. Lorenz explained that he had three different plans drawn for the site and this plan was the <br /> 19 best. There was an oak tree behind the tri-plex which precluded building in that area and the <br /> 20 south side of the lot was too low. <br /> 21 Marks commented that there was nothing particularly unusual about the shape of the property. <br /> 22 Mr. Lorenz noted that there was a berm around three sides of the property which caused <br /> 23 problems during a heavy rainfall. <br /> 24 Councilmember Faust questioned why.Mr. Lorenz would want to build an addition on a lot <br /> 25 which was already experiencing a water problem. <br /> 26 Mr. Lorenz stated the water problem was on the south side of the lot, not the north side <br /> 27 where the proposed addition would occur. With removal of the old storage building the flood <br /> 28 plain would be enlarged to allow ponding which would then drain away in the existing six <br /> 29 inch PVC piping. <br /> 30 Marks asked if the southeast portion of the property was used. He also questioned if the <br /> 31 garage could be built without a variance if it was moved further east and south on the site. <br /> • <br />