Laserfiche WebLink
P,D <br /> Memo <br /> To: Chief Engstrom <br /> From: Kim Dulz <br /> Date: March 19, 1998 <br /> Re: Report Fees <br /> I would like to request an amendment to the policy on charging for police reports. We <br /> currently charge $5.50 for copies of all reports (be it-1 page or 300). Considering that we do <br /> have reports more than 100 pages, I would like you to consider a base rate of$5.00 and an <br /> additional charge of 1.00 for each additional page over 10. Minnesota Data Practices 13.03, <br /> Subdivision 3 states"...may charge a reasonable fee for the information in addition to the costs <br /> of making....(See attached)" <br /> This has been in the back of my mind for a long time now,but today I received a call,from an <br /> attorney,requesting a copy of a search warrant. When I pulled the case,it was well over 1,000 <br /> pages. Luckily, the attorney only requested the search warrant. Had he wanted the entire <br /> report,it would have taken several hours to prepare. <br /> I also contacted three neighboring cities to see what they were charging for copies of police <br /> reports. <br /> Columbia Heights $5.00 every 10 pages <br /> New Brighton $6.00 for the I"page and$1.00 for each additional page <br /> Roseville $4.00 for the 1 3 pages and$1.00 for each page over 3 <br /> 0 Page 1 <br />