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PERSONNEL <br /> The total staffing of the fire department is as follows: <br /> 1) Full Time 7 <br /> 2) .Part Time 18 <br /> 3) Maintenance Reserves 12 <br /> During 1997 we maintained status quo on personnel. <br /> We continue to enjoy a low on-duty accident rate. During 1997 we experienced a <br /> back injury while handling hose (no lost work time), and a part time firefighter <br /> experienced a cardiac problem which resulted in a month off from firefighting <br /> duties. <br /> APPARATUS <br /> During 1997 we used the capital budget to replace half of our SCBA air bottles. <br /> This replacement program is mandated by OSHA. We have also replaced the <br /> suspension systems on both Engine 11 and Engine 12 as well as the wheels on <br /> Engine. 12. In April the Council approved the purchase of a fire truck to replace <br /> Engine 21 and so most of the year was spent doing extensive research and putting <br /> together specs for this new pumper. <br /> APPARATUS MAKE YEAR GPM ENGINE BIIP @RPM <br /> Engine 11. General 1985 1250 , V6 Diesel 350 @2100 <br /> Engine 12 General 1975 1250 871 Diesel 350 @2300 <br /> Engine 21 General 1972 1250 671 Diesel 265 @2300 <br /> Utility 11 Chevrolet 1991 ---- 6.2 Diesel 170 @4000 <br />