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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> April 14, 1998 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 organized the hosting, transportation, and entertainment on a tremendous job and stated he looks <br /> 2 forward to the group's arrival. <br /> i <br /> 3 Cavanaugh report ed his attendance at the Northwest Youth and Family Services (NWYFS) <br /> 4 Board meeting. The Federal Government has shifted some welfare funds to the Federal, State <br /> 5 and Local Governments. This has resulted in NWYFS receiving over$1 million in additional <br /> 6 funding. NWYFS has developed an action team to determine how the money should be funneled <br /> 7 into the program. <br /> 8 Cavanaugh displayed the proposed invitation to the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. He stated <br /> 9 the volunteer committee has been very busy and there is tentative entertainment scheduled for the <br /> 10 dinner. <br /> 11 Cavanaugh reported he had met with the Mayor of Falcon Heights last week. She is involved <br /> 12 with a committee of the League of Minnesota Cities for improving community life and has <br /> 13 invited Cavanaugh to attend. Cavanaugh stated he would also like to attend the League of Cities <br /> 14 Conference. <br /> 15 Morrison noted Faust had also expressed an interest in attending the League of Cities conference. <br /> 16 Mayor Ranallo stated that generally all the Councilmembers try to attend the League of Cities <br /> 17 conference and two Councilmembers attend the national conference. <br /> 18 B. Maw <br /> 19 Mayor Ranallo reported he had called each of the members of the Bonding Committee for the <br /> 20 State of Minnesota. He received one response in the form of a letter from Gary Ladeck,thanking <br /> 21 him for calling. <br /> 22 Mayor Ranallo reported that on March 25, 1998, he, City Manager, and Councilmember Faust, <br /> 23 had attended a dinner held by the Northeast Business Group to recognize Officers Christman and <br /> 24 Lehner for the apprehension of persons involved in a drive-by shooting which occurred in St. <br /> 25 Paul. The Commander of the St. Paul Police Department commented at the dinner that the <br /> 26 number of traffic stops per day has a direct impact on the number of burglaries which occur in <br /> 27 that day. Ranallo noted that St. Anthony has a large number of traffic stops per day. <br /> 28 Mayor Ranallo reported his attendance at the presentation of the Eagle Scout Award to Andrew <br /> 29 Kagel. All four boys in that family have received the award and Ranallo suggested the family be <br /> 30 recognized at an upcoming Council meeting. <br /> 31 Mayor Ranallo noted that at the last Council meeting it had been stated that the Police <br /> 32 Department was over budget for 1997. He has investigated this comment and discovered that the <br /> 33 Police Department was actually under budget by$48,464.87. • <br />