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MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: April 29, 1998 <br /> TO: Mayor and Councilmembers <br /> FROM: Michael Morrison, City Manager <br /> ITEM: SILVER LAKE ROAD BRIDGE PROJECT <br /> The following is an estimated summary of the City's cost for the Silver Lake Road Bridge <br /> Project.. The total cost for the City is estimated at $404,600 and itemized as follows: <br /> Improvement Council Position Cost <br /> • Median enhancement Council agreed $16,500 . <br /> Lighting Council agreed $126,000 <br /> New water main, plus replace Council agreed. RCM will provide $168,000 <br /> sidewalk on west side engineering, plans and specifications <br /> New sidewalk on east side To be decided $25,100 <br /> Highest possible bridge enhance- Council agreed that bridge should be $69,000 <br /> ment enhanced, but didn't agree to the <br /> type of enhancement <br /> TOTAL $404,600 <br /> The City has the following revenue available for this project: <br /> $188,000 MSA <br /> $100,000 TIF Fund <br /> $125,000 Water Fund <br /> $413,000 <br />