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- City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 5 <br /> April 23, 2002 <br /> Page 5 <br /> Councilmember Thuesen asked of the overall impact of the projects that have been done <br /> along the way in relation to the 100 year-flood protection. Hubmer stated that the <br /> Edward Street and 33`d Avenue project was an example of money saved and a benefit to <br /> both homeowner and the City. <br /> Motion by Councilmember Faust, second by Councilmember Sparks, to adopt Resolution <br /> 02-039, re: Ordering sanitary sewer and water system studies. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> B. Resolution 02-042, re: Consider preliminary redevelopment agreement for the Northwest <br /> Quadrant with Pratt-Ordway. Jim Prosser, Ehlers & Associates, will be present. <br /> Len Pratt, Pratt-Ordway, came forward to discuss the progress of Pratt-Ordway and their <br /> plans before the Council looks at the actual Agreement. <br /> Pratt referred to the Communications Plan that they have been working on with the <br /> community. <br /> Pratt referred to the Pre-development Agreement, which will be discussed tonight, and <br /> TIF District financing. He indicated that he was meeting with the City of St. Louis Park, <br /> which has undertaken a large project on Excelsior Boulevard. He indicated that they <br /> want to learn all they can in terms of past patterns, as well as what is in place right now. <br /> Pratt indicated that, in meetings with Metropolitan Council, he has been made aware of <br /> the projects that other cities are doing, which serve as a sort of format for the <br /> Metropolitan Council in terms of what project might be next. <br /> Pratt referred to the land assembly aspect of the project and indicated that they have been <br /> working diligently with various parcel-owners in order to meet them and understand their <br /> business and piece of property. <br /> Pratt indicated that they continue to work on the funding piece of the project, learning <br /> how supportive funding sources outside of the City are. He added that the project is well <br /> known outside of the area. <br /> Pratt stated that they continue to work on their design guidelines. He stated that the <br /> guidelines would assure the Council and City that the buildings will be built with <br /> standards, which are established in the design guidelines. <br /> Pratt stated that all of this coordination may not seem too important, but stated that it is <br /> all imperative to the entire process. <br /> Mayor Hodson asked about a timeline on the project. Pratt stated that 2002 would keep <br /> them busy with all of the intangible aspects of the process. .He stated that they <br /> anticipated construction to begin in early 2003. <br /> Mayor Hodson asked if there would be room on the land to have a nice restaurant where <br /> residents could get a good meal and drink. Pratt stated that he believed that there would <br />