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PL PACKET 09151987
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PL PACKET 09151987
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PL PACKET 09151987
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I <br /> 6 <br /> 1 of making necessary repairs for the -.City. to- acquire the above facility <br /> 2 from the school district. He said he hoped to have estimates of the <br /> 3 remaining costs for the Council' s August-.25th meeting.. <br /> 4 A summary of the appraisal of the building .,as received by the school, <br /> 5 'district ' was attached to his memo in the agenda packet. The appraiser . <br /> 6 estimated the value of the property to be $310 ,000 , .which included a <br /> : � 7 land value. of $240 , 000 . Mr. Childs reminded the Councilmembers that the <br /> 8 City had given the land to the school district in. 1951 for':the. purpose <br /> 9 of "using it for a school" with a reservation that it should revert to <br /> 10 the City "whenever it' stopped being a school" . However , he added, the <br /> 11 k30 year limit on that reservation may .have expired, making. this a point <br /> 12 which -would probably have to be negotiated. <br /> 13 The Manager reported the School- District figured it would cost them <br /> 14 $270 ,000 to move up to the Middle School building and have indicated <br /> 15 they don' t have those dollars available right now. He said it is <br /> 16 therefore important for the City to encapsulate in general terms just <br /> 17 what it would cost the City to move its facilities into Parkview so a <br /> 18 value judgement could be made whether the move is worth the effort. <br /> 19 Representatives of the City and School District would then have to meet <br /> 20 to present their different positions. Mr. Childs perceived it might be <br /> 21 just prior to those negotiations that a joint meeting between the entire <br /> 22 Council and -School Board -might be helpful. <br /> 23 City Officials Invited to Attend, Army' s Community Meetings' on TCAAP <br /> 24 Environmental Remedial Action Program <br /> " 25 Mr. Childs advised that the August 6th invitation sent. to him by the <br /> 26 Twin City Army Ammunition Plant representative had been intended for all <br /> 27 City officials'. The first of the meetings was scheduled for the <br /> 28 morning of August 18th and-.Councilmember -Ranallo. -commented. .that .the Army <br /> 29 had apparently not taken into consideration the fact that most of the <br /> 30 municipality officials had' regular-. jobs which made meetings during the <br /> 31' day very difficult- to attend. <br /> 32 AGENDA ADDENDUM <br /> 33 PROSPECTIVE BUYERS OF HOBO RESTAURANT SEEK -DIRECTION FROM ,COUNCIL. <br /> 34 Michael Melville, 328 Washington Street, Anoka, said he and Ron Walberg, <br /> 35 Minneapolis, were thinking of purchasing the restaurant and needed some <br /> 36 guidance as .to what procedures they would have to follow to make the <br /> 37'"improvements they wanted -to- the-building. and parking lot. Mr. Childs <br /> '38' suggested the two contact him at 'the -office the following day when he <br /> 39 would- be happy to look over their plans to see whether.. or not a <br /> 40 .variance might. be necessary. They were also advised that if variances <br /> ' � 41 were required for the project, it wouldn' t be until..September ;l5th that <br /> 42 the required public hearing on the variances could be conducted by the <br /> 43 Planning Commission.; with a Council decision no sooner than September . <br /> 44 22nd. Mr. Melville was also advised of the time it would take to get <br /> 45 the notice of the hearing on a variance request published. <br />
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