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PL PACKET 09151987
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PL PACKET 09151987
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PL PACKET 09151987
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• 7 <br /> 1 *he and-several Councilmember-s -had been negotiate <br /> 2 with- the School -Board' s -representatives; <br /> 3 • *the City had- come up with a package which was basically what .the <br /> 4 —school wanted at that time, and which the City- agreed to,- under <br /> 5 ' .which the City would build :a parking lot and play ground for the <br /> 6 school and would maintain the grounds around the school• for the <br /> 7 - next two years, which would -cost between $80 ,000 and .$90 ,000 ,to <br /> 8 do; <br /> 9 . *some time later, the School Board indicated they needed an ap- _ <br /> 10 praisal made- of the building and had a study made of what it would <br /> 11 cost them to move out of Parkview which turned out to be $273 , 000 <br /> 12 of which the- School District only has about $20 ;000 each for the <br /> 13 next two years ; <br /> 14 *the School District said they were willing to pay about $60 ,000 <br /> 15 of the moving costs, which put the school and the City about <br /> 16 $120 , 000 apart. <br /> 17 The School' s appraisal indicated the land was worth. about $240 ,000 and <br /> 18 the building itself about $.70 ,000 . The School District study had <br /> 19 suggested a desirable use of the property would be to demolish the <br /> 0 building and erect single family homes on the site and they appear to be <br /> 1 considering doing that as one of their options. <br /> 22 Mr. Childs indicated the City had begun to question whether, it would be <br /> 23 worth the City' s while to spend $200 ,000 for the building and then <br /> 24 another $200-250 , 000 to convert a •portion of the building for the Fire <br /> 25 Department and to make the other improvements the City would want to, <br /> 26 including putting 'on a new roof and making the necessary changes to the <br /> 27 heating system. He said firm figures on doing that should be available <br /> 28 by the :end of the week. <br /> 29 In the meantime, the School is jockeying around lots of ideas,, including <br /> 30 tearing; down ' the .building which the Manager perceived could be very <br /> 31 interesting because that would force the eviction of the City. <br /> 32 If the City does not remain in Parkview, Mr. Childs said some <br /> 33 arrangements would have to be made to add on the -existing fire station - <br /> 34 or construct a new building, or find some alternate space somewhere. <br /> 35 The 'City Manager -pointed out that the, City had given -the- Parkview <br /> 36 property to the School District on the condition it be -used only for <br /> 37 school 'purposes back in 1951. However., that' condition had been _negated <br /> 38 by the rule of law which says such -a condition is only good for -30 years <br /> 39 which means the City' s rights expired. in 1981 . the . City' s position <br /> 40 remains -that -since St. Anthony had given the .School District the land <br /> 41 : for the school-, it= •doesn' t make sense. to spend. -tax payers -,money to get <br /> 02 it---back.. - -He -said the school ' s: initial argument . for even charging <br /> 43 Anything for the building in the .f:i-rs.t place -had been that New Brighton <br /> 44 :tax ' payers were. alto -involved and-,.the School Board was only trying to . <br />
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