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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 9 <br /> 1 setback,physically they will not be able to have the size of product area they need to have for the <br /> 2 project to be economically feasible. <br /> 3 At 7:37 P.M., Chair Gondorchin then opened the public hearing for the variance request for a <br /> 4 zero lot line which will allow the proposed Knox Lumber to be constructed adjacent and <br /> 5 connected to the remaining Apache Plaza Mall and a request for a conditional use permit for <br /> 6 outside storage of building materials. <br /> 7 Chair Gondorchin read a letter received on November 13, 1994 from Gary and Katie Simons, <br /> 8 1512 2nd Terrace S.W., expressing their enthusiastic support for.bringing CUB Foods and Knox <br /> 9 Lumber to the community. They stated that they believe that these two quality establishments <br /> 10 can provide the boost that Apache Plaza desperately needs and they are concerned about the <br /> 11 future of Apache Plaza without the addition of these businesses. <br /> 12 Eileen Spano, Representative of Saint Anthony Court Homeowners Association, expressed their <br /> 13 organization's enthusiasm and gave their vote of approval for the project. <br /> 14 Lowell Timmersman, 3221 Wehdhurst, a 20 year resident of St. Anthony, thanked Cashway <br /> 15 Lumber and CUB Foods for considering Apache Plaza, for spending money that creates jobs, <br /> helps pay taxes and makes jobs for our children. He said it is a great program and is looking <br /> forward to having the businesses in the village. <br /> 18 George Wagner, Representative of the St. Anthony Village Kiwanis, strongly supports the <br /> 19 expansion of Apache Plaza to include the addition of businesses such as Knox and CUB Foods <br /> 20 stores. On November 3, 1994, the St. Anthony Kiwanis Board of Directors voted unanimously <br /> 21 to support this project. They believe several benefits accrue to the community from these new <br /> 22 stores, and consider the following high on the list: 1. Hundreds of new jobs will be available, 2. <br /> 23 Two excellent new business citizens in the community, 3. More support for education through <br /> 24 higher tax revenue,4. A wider variety of stores for shopping convenience, 5. Higher property <br /> 25 values due to proximity of shopping, 6. Increased tax base will ease tax pressure on local <br /> 26 residents and businesses. Kiwanis urges all residents of St. Anthony to support the process of <br /> 27 enabling these stores to be established in the Village. <br /> 28 Frank Budnicki, 3124 Wilson St.N.E., expressed his agreement with all that had been said. <br /> 29 Roy Genaw, 3404 Roosevelt St.N.E., a 40 year resident of St. Anthony, stated he was one of the <br /> 30 people who was involved in bringing Apache Plaza into the Village 35 years ago. He requested <br /> 31 to have the tax increments of the projects explained, including how much was to be borrowed, <br /> 32 amount of time, anticipated rate of interest, and what the money is going to be used for. <br /> City.Manager Mornson explained that the following numbers have not been approved by the <br /> City Council as of yet, as that is one of the last steps in the process. The amount of money that is <br /> 35 anticipated to be borrowed for this project is $3,100,000. Net proceeds are anticipated to be <br />
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