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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> • Page 3 <br /> 1 30% lot coverage and the Schroeders are requesting a 48% lot coverage which would require an <br /> 2 18% lot coverage variance. Morrison cited the four criteria under which a variance could be <br /> 3 granted: 1. The property cannot be put to a reasonable use without the variance. 2. The <br /> 4 circumstances causing the hardship were not created by the owner. 3. The variance, if granted, <br /> 5 will not alter the essential character of the locality. 4. Economic considerations alone are not the <br /> 6 basis of the hardship. <br /> 7 Thomas Schroeder, owner of the property, explained that their plan is to demolish the existing <br /> 8 home. The reason they are requesting the variance is their lot is 7410 square feet, which is <br /> 9 smaller than the average St. Anthony lot size of 9400 square feet-(based on figures obtained from <br /> 10 Larry Hamer). The new home would have to be one-story as his wife is confined to a <br /> 11 wheelchair. He stated that these are the two reasons cited for the hardship. <br /> 12 Commissioner Franzese asked where the garage was located and if there would be any way to <br /> 13 reduce the size of the driveway. <br /> 14 Mr. Schroeder replied that the garage was located at the front North corner of the house and that <br /> 15 it was not possible to reduce the size of the driveway, as there is a right-of-way from the street <br /> 16 and they cannot go any closer to the street. <br /> Chair Gondorchin inquired as to Mr. Schroeder's attempt to purchase the parcels of land to the <br /> 18 north or south of their property. <br /> 19 Mr. Schroeder responded that Mr. Botnick,the owner of the property on both sides of the lot, is <br /> 20 not interested in selling his parcels, and, in fact, had asked Schroeder if he was interested in <br /> 21 selling his lot. <br /> 22 Commissioner Franzese inquired if all adjacent property.owners had been shown, and had <br /> 23 approved of,the proposed building plan. <br /> 24 Mr. Schroeder advised that Mr. Botnick, who owns the lot to the north, south and east of the <br /> 25 property had been shown the plans but Al Reed, another adjacent property owner had not been <br /> 26 shown the plan. Mr. Schroeder was not aware if Mr. Botnick was in approval of the proposed <br /> 27 plan. <br /> 28 Commissioner Makowske asked if there was any unusual grading on the property or any <br /> 29 topographical issues that could be used to show a hardship and make this a unique case. <br /> 30 Mr. Schroeder reported that he was not aware of any. <br /> Unidentified resident asked Mr. Schroeder when the proposed building of the home would take <br /> place and how long it was expected to take to completion. <br />
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