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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> July 16, 1996 <br /> Page 9 <br /> 1 Commissioner Gondorchin stated that any landscaping must be maintained in order to remain <br /> 2 attractive. He cited Hiawatha Avenue streetscape as an example of landscaping not maintained. <br /> 3 Commissioner Franzese stated this is a"Catch-22" situation, as it is a priority item because of traffic. <br /> 4 She stated she encouraged Ms.Moore-Sykes to contact Ramsey County to obtain their five-year plan <br /> 5 for projects such as these. <br /> 6 Commissioner Gondorchin cited Trillium Park as an example of a good visual impact. <br /> 7 Commissioner Makowske inquired who would maintain any streetscaping project. Ms. Moore- <br /> 8 Sykes stated it would be the City's responsibility to maintain the areas. <br /> 9 Commissioner Delmonico noted the area from the railroad tracks goes from businesses to parks, <br /> 10 encompassing Rapid Oil,Amoco,Taco Bell, etc. Ms. Moore-Sykes stated the area could be made <br /> 11 more aesthetically pleasing. <br /> 12 Vice Chair Thompson noted the area near Silver Lake Road and County Road D is very nice, as <br /> 13 Silver Lake can now be seen. <br /> 14 D. Comments. <br /> 15 Ms. Moore-Sykes noted a letter was included in the Commission packet regarding the Verkins <br /> 16 Addition. She stated Mildred Verkins would like to sell the property adjacent to Highway 88 for use <br /> 17 in construction of twin or town homes, and would like to know what position the City will take on <br /> 18 a project such as this. She stated the current R-1 zoning district use was grandfathered in during the <br /> 19 1960s, and if not used for a 12-month period then the rights are lost. <br /> 20 Commissioner Gondorchin stated a concept review would be needed. Commissioner Horst stated <br /> 21 this would be similar to the rezoning request earlier on the agenda. <br /> 22 Ms. Moore-Sykes stated that Mr. Larry Hamer, Public Works Director, received a letter from Tom <br /> 23 Schroeder, 3929 Fordham Drive, stating he is planning to complete the work on the exterior of his <br /> 24 home by mid-August. She stated staff was not sure what prompted the letter. . <br /> 25 Ms. Moore-Sykes stated a preliminary site plan was included in the packet for a proposed SAVII <br /> 26 Liquor store. She stated that the City and First Bank had renegotiated the existing lease until the <br /> 27 new store could be built. She stated the plan placed the liquor store in the back third of the building, <br /> 28 and noted one or two variances may be needed. <br /> 29 Commissioner Franzese noted that vibrations generated by the adjoining automotive shop may be <br /> 30 an issue to the liquor store with the bottles on site. <br /> 31 Commissioner Franzese inquired if anyone attended the Metropolitan Livable Communities <br /> 32 workshop. No one stated they attended. <br />