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STAFF REPORT <br /> DATE: August 20, 1996 <br /> TO: Planning Commission Members <br /> FROM: Kim Moore-Sykes, Management Assistant VZ <br /> ITEM: Lot Area Variance Request, <br /> Bruce Nedegaard, Nedegaard Construction . <br /> Outlot C, Fordham.Drive. <br /> BACKGROUND. <br /> Bruce Nedegaard, owner of Nedegaard Construction is requesting a variance for lot area <br /> and size for his property located at Outlot C, Fordham Drive. Originally, this property <br /> was to be replatted along with the property at 3929 Fordham Drive owned by Tom and <br /> Diane Schroeder in order to make both properties conforming residential lots. As a result <br /> of the City amending its lot coverage ordinance, Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder later decided to <br /> remodel their current residence, leaving Mr. Nedegaard with a residential lot that is not <br /> buildable because it does not meet the City's ordinance regarding lot size and area. <br /> Currently, the lot is 67.51 feet in width and 8,776.3 square feet. The City's ordinance <br /> requires that a buildable residential interior lot be 75 feet wide and 9,000 square feet. <br /> Outlot. C requires a variance of 7.49 feet in width and 223.7 square feet. <br /> RECOMMENDATION. <br /> Staff recommends that this request for a lot area and size variance be approved. It is the <br /> Staff's opinion but for the untimely amendment to the lot coverage ordinance, Mr. <br /> Nedegaard would have ha&ae conforming residential lot. The amending of this ordinance <br /> caused Mr. Nedegaard an unforeseen hardship by limiting his ability to develop this lot. <br /> The'City received one telephone call in favor of Mr. Nedegaard's development plans for <br /> the lot and one in opposition. We have received no other opinions via telephone or mail. <br />