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PL PACKET 09171996
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PL PACKET 09171996
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PL PACKET 09171996
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> August 200996 <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1 like with two garages on the same property. They felt something could be constructed that <br /> 2 would meet the owners' needs and be acceptable to the neighbors. <br /> 3 Staff is recommending the request for a five foot variance to the side yard setback be denied <br /> 4- based on no demonstrated hardship and on the amount of neighbor opposition presented. <br /> 5 Commissioner Franzese noted the letter from City Attorney dated August 19, 1996 in regard to <br /> 6 this issue contained inaccurate information as it did not address the current issue. There was <br /> 7 Commission consensus that this issue did however, require a variance request. <br /> 8 Mr. Bob Schmidt, representing William and Evelyn Hedberg, distributed photographs of the <br /> 9 Hedberg residence and other properties in the area. Mr. Schmidt stated the Hedbergs only other <br /> 10 options would be to add a single car garage, 11 to 12 feet wide, within the existing buildable area <br /> 11 or add to the existing garage which would result in a loss of access. The Hedbergs feel they have <br /> 12 a hardship due to their age and a safety issue. They need space to store a utility trailer and also to <br /> 13 store their granddaughters car. Mr. Schmidt suggested other lots in the neighborhood are closer <br /> 14 than allowed to the property line. <br /> 15 Commissioner Gondorchin asked if the Hedbergs had considered widening the existing garage <br /> 16 and attaching it to the house by way of a breezeway. <br /> 17 Mr. Schmidt stated this was not possible due to a three season porch that would have to be <br /> 18 removed, the large amount of lot coverage that would result and a 75 foot mature tree that would <br /> 19 have to be removed. <br /> 20 Commissioner Makowske questioned the width of the new garage and stated upon inspection of <br /> 21 the lot, he had found nothing unusual about the size, shape or topographics. <br /> 22 Mr. Schmidt stated the proposed garage would be 16 feet wide to comply with the ordinance that <br /> 23 requires 5 feet between eaves of buildings.. <br /> 24 Mrs. Grewe, 2513 - 30th Avenue N.E., stated she lived next door to the Hedbergs. The proposed <br /> 25 garage would completely block her view of the street. She felt there was plenty of room on the <br /> 26 lotto consider other options. She felt the single car garage could be enlarged and brought up to <br /> 27 attach to the house without blocking her view. Mrs. Grewe stated she would also like a two car <br /> 28 garage but was in the same situation as the Hedbergs. <br /> 29 Commissioner Thompson asked if it would be possible to widen the single car garage and pull it <br /> 30 forward on the lot. <br /> 31 Mr. Schmidt stated this was not usually successful with a stucco building. <br />
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