MAR-13-1998 12:36 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES P.11/22
<br /> I�p�t�s
<br /> (,2
<br /> �u•sa�ahan>>c laeetiasa ai N;�ii,,,
<br /> ana .. . : ._... .,. .
<br /> s btite in L%t4ulbin tleuda9 Dter3evm'.rspun
<br /> 1�ppedmmain}ng agar flee d+ieen^ecuon er M itoiu rei tint has sal ls$e^Properly
<br /> 2 Water heaters end •furaistf!a a tiSh
<br /> �bustka air•by a-opeale a eenlin•d.pace �ha!v�riot prprlded with�+aper
<br /> Betake$baII not be agy]e;s tlgi�tba+cei ref tbah°•eele.oxa Tba am a"crib.ed+,bvet(ee bir
<br /> "andaeti. e4Rnrait Gm er Gtr$crtlsd appliance.withia the
<br /> •a.water l:sdteri and heeater bd7ero iritheat en apteble pn•oure or lmnper.tttri reli°friji
<br /> �e�haovrsr•this debt Koh-- for fhi■valve is either underdred,er aid exteeded td
<br /> Subd.S. Arsola!■7tty of Doeumonts No Panoe'L'een.ed by the State er Mianesab b eaII*sal s.ittabi 18•at
<br /> estate■hall offer far eale by exhiNting ar ehewin an 4.Coe Grad e .•.••'.
<br /> eendo 9:tto a townheave,within the City+rithavt fin hiving�eb4 mad the dotvinen dwelling which arse erlupbi�ingroi water d and fivt,■oee sot creel wftlt a'
<br /> out b Section 606.02 Sabd.L 7'he rs > draft hood CdJver *j er
<br /> available for inepeetion at the part ae bet.cut b Section 406.02 Sobel•1,;hell be made produrfe efeornbootten■t th;drdtbobd `
<br /> Was offered fie. Promisee forwbleh they pertain at all timse that eoeh dwelling Is S.Aey fns standingg spaee heaters located in bedroom@ cir brathfoomis iihltli tak elieii
<br /> eombu■uon air from,the room In which they we 10".
<br /> any d.6. E■empttone,Thopprrvuydon$or the Chap4r.half net APAY 4 the■ak ortonveyanra fe �°'�ngp1.en avatar heatererotherfuel burningeympment thei how roi■■{� w
<br /> any BinAle,or tvro.f■nrr� of ra"••vermin•.er hur-E,,,y„dw°fig 4 a public body nor to arty newly le Urea
<br /> eonstroeted dwelling when title is traasfhyQ to—tL'e rstowner. sty aontrd. „�
<br /> Subd.7, Fenno.The city°hall re 7.A vent system foraay fuel burning appliance that has root kite or c nce ring od constitute a ti APP)iCdW under ee hon 608.02 7%e form hall
<br />ppreside tinf�amaati�o^ g apt�a,that via
<br /> 0. °p°nla+ih
<br /> concerning code 8.A vent By$tem or fuel bya,vn ra��
<br /> .trvetg requirements td Iowa ow 4 meting Wines,two- three caulbustuss such thatin the late,or ( does deaaaa to which r°rmilY fera�fom±ryu�y aP
<br /> !bv eralwtnran +iit^inant Sn ha■ard
<br /> ugr I de ectt oor ee immeddiatteedanger to the healt°hh and �of the Deco ant.The
<br /> 8. Un '�'
<br /> inferrnation provided ehal{iedirata wkgther the stnditfar nrvete City grounded meted electrical fixt�ea � ebaoh cr.
<br /> re4airgmenb,or}a deemed tab* °0"�irin'groru:ded plumbin pareoi+r vikik civic
<br /> requirements,i. law City gem:. Persoe i■In
<br /> evaluation,it shall be assumed thax�iny ew°eoea�faeHG�aced Installed 10.ero making p 10.Any room being used as a bed
<br /> m`aaageetti;b+aaed ca.lht Am s or the facades and tn■t4atione and the
<br /> wL,dew. ream that does aethsvi:n appipved onergt.iaryegirob:dewror
<br /> eondieinneftiie'6dtttPeisnEth>R'0.vfewed. o gLerpre■*edor5np8ed.tneaapple uie,
<br /> fo*r»,the evdu,ter.hall ba getimnad by a"d fellow the eerie orethien and guidelines d w... 11,Any etbor teed
<br /> far evaluators a■amended fapn time b tone by the city Cooner7 The form v11en also include thuno iuee.rhary�in�t ie*op�I—Vt fine avalwter:di:tinit tii(ailaeat life
<br /> ei eel slatament by the owner or agen!of tlN owner as b whether or net there are howin threatening hatard to the eetvP■n4 of the rtruetum fzvearL
<br /> ors pending rn�ardi,,g the prtparty issued bt the Departmentof inspeeioct City arHap)onsg Imo•ererked su har;udeus by the eertified av■loitar■hell t»oriri �ted
<br /> The farm shall sal"a iaeludo a determination whether the proven! a Tlie owner shell obtain an P�!fiP�Y the
<br /> non con �and shall also show the vvpp neY is conforming or shall w°abject b ins uary pftw44 Sm"th city bull me PP. and a pr�b�
<br /> �nrpa loy -elairned,such noncan Present abe ve cr the ,CiV•°gg" lr aoncenrarrtdng in a Purchase Pedie+r prior b cafe and eoorpaniy tithe d
<br /> In writing.71re form shall also emits use chars be rthe od by!ha Ciq zmi°g Administrator Agrv■men d 1'be buyer,a.signated
<br /> m°<luira disclosure by the owner cr the dweUin ■homa■t■■d °'�oater• lluch correction B •b under e °�°cdO1e naaedkw by the report of the
<br /> classification in regard to real estate taros City Housing Im b y crab'upon th: ttari e6nsant of ths
<br /> written verifitetion to the buyer payable 77ae owner eked prerids a eopy of Both lnepec4on De pecfvr and voub)wt,to snob terms aid eoiditieee■s m , be rsgrdrtid by the
<br /> buyez',signing Y prior to the ele■ingOr 6naliaat,'an ertranerrr ofownership or the "monR
<br /> oteny eonfra�Res deed.Nothing inn said nPwt$hall indicate,or shall be doomed 5a
<br /> b indicate.that said dwelling mesh aft minimum housing standards Such terms ehsl)indude ban are mat iim'rtsd
<br /> buyer accepting the rtepenaibt7l d Ined agroament on behalfdtha City firm the
<br /> Sukw 8.Certified 13Yela.tor Ca buyer
<br /> No Certified Evaluator CftMcale shall be issued or a°t°1—P—Ae to the In■ 4 aorrtetiam of the huardoos Items,r uuenable completion
<br /> renewed kith the Ciq err H.Pldras without aPPliealian an tlw■ °"DopartmW and fmandal evidence ar
<br /> PPS farm and prior that the cerract{ens,but b either oxen the Ability 4 g+raform tla
<br /> applicant of a current unesp;red enrt{Sm4 ortempetenry ere issued by the City of Minneapolis co r acted and a"inspeetion 'W 1amain as I I upied un47 such viblatiene
<br />we
<br /> or the City of St Pau17 he applicant;haD also show `A"° bus t1+�heusi"g ieapeelor
<br /> skis applle■nt wifL s mid P"oef general liabrTily insunnva insuring 406.(13 Car4fieates report truth genera]aggrogab and par eta arced rev two
<br /> mhttieuans in�res rwee Medh dollars ndnimom limit sholl be kept i^the afSoe d the hoe!ng repew and Sling+•�Pmta.cortionet",and filing,
<br /> of baron of two handfed fifty thousand denary(4250,000)whicb may includea doduetibl°mat uthorised Person upon regoeee p°ctOC A eODY may be fwnished b tin.owner a otbor
<br /> in form Ere thou,a^d ddiara(a5,000)Md the eraluatorsball maintain insurance tontinpN■ly
<br /> b Cerro th;raft.r Md no CerUcation vr"usitor shall be de■med b be in effect wham sae Mn 4.Apppeal..A person aggrieved by a troth b housingdteele■ report m
<br /> insurance is not in efrecL The city thall be included as a named bsund on the insurance M eftJ'°evaluator or In■pecter to a Ire aP�°a1 from the
<br /> regsarsd herein at the expanse of the evaluator.77fe msalwter.hsill famish the siti with a (bras 1°O"r�r°at the cibeamdLTl,e dseiap sad ord•e din�d�i'thenoun - cone ag"Of
<br /> certificate dinsurano,whuh meate the city requiremeatuar4o ter shill shall also Pay the too u an parties. Ppiepb hoard be binding an
<br /> set forth in ehaptar I0.
<br /> Subd.8 Fees for certificates and ran.wats.77te kidder ora c4meate orcanpeta°ay and proof Penalties A rsgt who i{ela4s a4Y d the forme of this eedr err who fen■to
<br /> erinsmance u set forth in Ude eha any etdar luaed by the 6VAl�jnep�pursuant 4 this Dade it mac'
<br /> p4r■bal,open day tine owner f e b c�mp� tin R+tilb des staiademe■nenFaeh
<br /> ear.A b firm time to tiro° -y the Qty Ceunel.havee midteortl5eate renewed°for t�auung in•p"d0e eft'P°'t the Proms,a by air pri.4 efgno m��evtote a separate elianse.The
<br /> year.A bolder eta certificate 49U net allow said certificate to he used 16Y another �a rot°°men ciraee the' d �ldag 00C°� iTd m4,
<br /> Person. pre^u;ee 4 be an remain vacant unto.ueh • tions ens
<br /> Subd.10. Ci em 1 Md fin approval eetiideata to iiiiibd.
<br /> Chapter. ty P ai'0°e not to he etched.No gmPloyee tithe City shall be eertiSod under this
<br /> WtIah Rr�"4 a Cit■Inrer oa behalf of the d g Ong to AM14M this
<br /> veetion,neither the Qty tier ib ewnes7 �'•SY enacting and undo
<br /> Sobel.I I. Reeiden or mailin rtqul fitness•r suitability of a4 d r agents a employees warren!or ir>a.at1.the anfety,
<br /> Taus■b peep r■gista d with the city,his ecv�nt rugPdencV or nuu�7rn"der this Chapter ekan its Ow ci flag ei and an yy roes warrant to ela em
<br /> person i■a miedemo,"irr h pan b ui �'by my
<br /> aa>mker. g■ddrws Bed telephone a riab b 1�pre aseri or occupants e e d take whatever steps they deem
<br /> +B r e dwellito ptoW tRdir 1n bealth,safety arse welr■n prior tq parehaia urroaeup ey ar
<br /> bmiffi 12 Repar�sSIIiig'AM Kling foes.Path Truth-in•
<br /> harsin inspoetor an exact d lfotalag 11•shsatn►;hall submit to the illy The eEettiw dn5o Vie'off'
<br /> ten(10�day.after the owluahop°eretig as d alebepy plLooe et this Ordinanee shall be August 1,188?•.:
<br /> bl lhie section sba111>e cr the final r.pert,allher type wdeten or le >�y Pcin4d in Ink,a■ First Aoad{ng
<br /> ttatd■hed to ths se]lar.A Gl,ng tee w estabtiahed by rswlotia^from to time by the C{gb^'u7 2,IM
<br /> Wnhan .■ken be r■gaired with seek.valwtSon eport;o submitted b doe 1n.pee4r. Se{ena Ra■dini
<br /> when utid'ikutk-iu•Hweing Aisclatn'e Ro Mead Y,1992
<br /> not paid wfUrin the tee LO)d 'i■net 61°d,ee rho required fig„g fie tkm,fmt 1. Diu orpuWotti°n:
<br /> the April 29,2g,1 Rpart■hen a lindt ast terth la this aetie rhea aka Poe far■ugh film d<on within the efinesrdd ttm0IL^t4�may bq jps Dose for t7ie b�i,sreke
<br /> Cerd6 ices ti the Date or0rd;nance Ta1t°s Effect:August 1,1992
<br /> eveloalar.
<br /> 9ubd 10, Mm Atic: . Nelson Ba&Ma
<br /> -1. datory Frrtefton arheu !Item■;The fotlewiag items whsn dlaoovered by the domes A.CaeielltE,City tleiic
<br />