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CITY OF ST.ANTHONY, MINNESOTA <br /> Proposed Pawnbroker Ordinance <br /> for consideration by the Planning Commission <br /> Section 566 -Pawnbrokers <br /> 566.01. Findings and Purpose Statement. <br /> (A) Findings. The City Council makes the following findings regarding the need to <br /> regulate pawnbrokers operating with the City: <br /> (1) Pawnbrokers provide an opportunity for the commission of crime and the <br /> concealment of crime, because pawnshops have the ability to receive and <br /> transfer stolen property easily and quickly. <br /> (2) The pawn industry has outgrown the City's current ability to effectively and <br /> efficiently identify criminal activity related to pawnbrokers and pawn <br /> businesses. The adoption of an Automated Pawn System (APS) will allow <br /> law enforcement officials to timely collect and'share pawn transaction <br /> information more efficiently. <br /> (3) Consumer protection regulation of pawn transactions is warranted in light <br /> of the potential for abuse. <br /> (B) Purpose Statement. The City Council enacts this Section of the City Code in <br /> order to further the following objectives: <br /> (1) The prevention of pawnshops from being used as facilities for the <br /> commission of crime. <br /> (2) The identification of criminal activities through timely collection and <br /> sharing of pawn transaction information. <br /> (3) The promulgation of consumer protection standards to be adhered to by <br /> the pawn industry. <br /> (4) The protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare of the <br /> citizens of the City. <br /> 566.02. Definitions. <br /> The following words and terms when used in this Section shall have the following meanings <br /> unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: <br />