Laserfiche WebLink
all reportable transactions along with the video tape(s) for that date, by <br /> 12:00 noon the next business day; <br /> (4) If the problem is determined to be in the licensee's system and is not <br /> corrected by the close of the first business day following the failure, the <br /> licensee must provide the required reports as detailed in Section <br /> 566.12(D)(3), and must be charged a fifty dollar($50.00) reporting failure <br /> penalty, daily, until the error is corrected; or <br /> (5) If the problem is determined to be outside the licensee's system, the <br /> licensee must provide the required reports in Section 566.12(D)(3), and <br /> resubmit all such transaction via modem when the error is corrected. <br /> (6) If a licensee is unable to capture, digitize or transmit the photographs <br /> required in Section 566.12(A)(9), the licensee must immediately take all <br /> required photographs with a still camera, cross-reference the photographs <br /> to the correct transaction, and make the pictures available to the Police <br /> Department upon request. <br /> (7) Regardless of the cause or origin of the technical problems that prevented <br /> the licensee from uploading their reportable transactions, upon correction <br /> of the problem, the licensee shall upload every reportable transaction from <br /> every business day the problem had existed. <br /> (8) Section 566.12(D)(3)through (5) notwithstanding, the Police Department <br /> may, upon presentation of extenuating circumstances, delay the <br /> implementation.of the daily reporting penalty. <br /> E. Receipt Required. Every licensee must provide a receipt to the party identified in <br /> every reportable transaction and must maintain a duplicate of that receipt for three (3) years. The <br /> receipt must include at least the following information: <br /> (1) The name, address and telephone number of the licensed business. <br /> (2) The date and time the item was received by the licensee. <br /> (3) Whether the item was pawned or sold, or the nature of the transaction. <br /> (4) An accurate description of each item received including, but not limited <br /> to, any trademark, identification number, serial number, model number, <br /> brand name, or other identifying mark on such an item. <br /> (5) The signature or unique identifier of the licensee or employee that <br /> conducted the transaction. <br /> (6) The amount advanced or paid. <br /> 12 <br />