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PL PACKET 12172002
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PL PACKET 12172002
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CITY OF Sr.ANTHONY Northwest Quadrant Redevelopment Update DECEMBER 2002 <br /> housing portion will be phased. Once a relocate at any time,if they relocate ahead development agreement phase to ensure <br /> final site plan has been developed and of the redevelopment process they may lose that the important issues can be resolved <br /> approved there will be more exact their chance to obtain relocation assistance. before moving on to the final development <br /> information about the timing of the agreement phase. <br /> availability of housing.The earliest housing Q. How will the project be funded? <br /> will be available is likely in 2005.More A. The project will be funded primarily Q• Y <br /> Wh must the Northwest <br /> information on how to sign up for housing through land payments by the developer Quadrant Redevelopment area <br /> will be available in 2004. and tax increment finance. be redeveloped? <br /> Q. If my business must relocate in A.As in many communities,change has <br /> Q What occurred in St.Anthony tax increment The City the future, will I receive any finance (TIF)? Y wants to <br /> financial assistance? restore the Apache Plaza Mall area to the <br /> A. TIF is a financing tool created by the vital focal point for the community that it <br /> A. Yes.Businesses that must relocate are Minnesota Legislature in the mid-1970s to once was.The redevelopment will provide <br /> provided relocation assistance to help assist help encourage development and new housing opportunities for long-time <br /> with moving costs,as required under the redevelopment.Under TIF,property tax St.Anthony residents who no longer wish <br /> Uniform Relocation Assistance Act. revenue equivalent to what the current to maintain a single family home.At the <br /> Properties that are purchased for property generates continues to go to all same time that will open up existing <br /> redevelopment must be purchased at fair taxing jurisdictions.A portion of the tax housing to new families for our community. <br /> market value.The value is determined by a revenue that results from the increased By helping us retain and attract residents, <br /> professional appraisal. value of the new development,also called the redevelopment helps St.Anthony <br /> the"tax increment,"goes to pay site costs compete with developing suburbs <br /> Q. If my business is acquired, such as acquisition,demolition,water, and makes our community even stronger. <br /> when would that occur? sewer,utilities and street improvements. <br /> A.Acquisitions of the majority of properties Once the site costs have been paid,the tax Q. How can I continue to stay informed <br /> would likely occur in mid-2003 after a final increment will be distributed to all of the and be involved? <br /> development agreement has been approved. taxing jurisdictions. A.The City will continue to provide <br /> Q.As a business owner, when should I Q. Is this redevelopment a"sure thing"? updates d e on the Northwest <br /> project es Quadrant <br /> begin to looh for a new location? A. No.Redevelopment is a complex process quarterly newsletter Village Notes,the City <br /> A. It is always good to be aware of options. and requires many steps and cooperative website at and <br /> However,at this time it is still too early to planning by the developer and the City.The through periodic updates of this newsletter. <br /> be absolutely certain if the redevelopment redevelopment project must meet the goals For more information,you may also contact <br /> will be successfully completed and when it of the community and pass the test of both the City offices at 612-789-8881,or <br /> will be completed.It is also important to market and financial feasibility.That is why for general updates,call the Hotline at <br /> note that while businesses are free to the process begins with a preliminary 612-706-1350. <br /> H3vgoisno_1V_LSOd 1d1lN3G1S3H <br /> S S M H 0 3 . . . <br /> Sn-uw,Cuorpun-JumS-preeM <br /> T888-68L-Z19 <br /> 81455 NW',(uotinry'JS <br /> bOLZ oN mmad peoH 2n9l 13A11S i0££ <br /> NW'sgodnuuT <br /> QI�d a <br /> ftsod-S-fl <br /> Q.LS 'I'dSHd !llfffiiiiiilllJJl . <br />
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