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MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: 12/11/02 MEETING DATE: 12/17/02 <br /> TO: Chair Melsha & Planning Commission Members <br /> FROM: Susan M.H. Hall, Assistant City Manager <br /> SUBJECT: Bauske Variance Request <br /> Background: <br /> Bill Bauske, 2611 30th Avenue Northeast, is requesting a variance of 11 feet from the <br /> side yard property line for a non-window mounted air conditioning unit. City ordinance <br /> states that non-window mounted air conditioning units must be at least 15 feet from any <br /> property line. Mr. Bauske's application shows there is only four feet available between <br /> the house and the property line. The applicant proposes the location of the air <br /> conditioning unit to be installed outside the basement window, per attached drawings. <br /> One item to note is once the base is placed on the ground, the air conditioning unit may <br /> be even closer than four feet to the property line. <br /> Mr. Bauske states in his petition for variance the undue hardship is due to the placement <br /> of the house so close to the property line, and that he would be unable to have central <br /> air in his home. The extraordinary circumstances that exist include the placement of.his <br /> house four feet from the property line. The purpose of adding central air is for comfort in <br /> the summer months, as two windows units do not cool portions of the house, according <br /> to the applicant. The building of the home in the 1920's and/or the drawing of property <br /> lines created the alleged difficulty or hardship. <br /> The applicant has also looked at putting the air conditioning unit in the northeast corner <br /> of his lot, which is nine feet from the property line. Considering the air conditioning unit <br /> must be one foot from the structure (according to the contractor) and the proposed air <br /> conditioning unit to be installed will rest of a 2 feet X 3 feet base, he said he would still <br /> be in violation of the ordinance and in need of a variance. The applicant also notes there <br /> are hardships/costs associated for him with placing the air conditioning unit in the <br /> northeast corner of the lot (see application). <br /> Mr. Bauske has been in communication with the adjacent neighbor at 2613 30th Avenue; <br /> they are in support of his application. <br /> Attachment: <br /> ib Petition for Variance <br />