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CARL ELLER <br /> Sixteen veers a Pro-football Dlaver% fifteen vears <br /> with Minnesota Vikines as a defensive end. lie was <br /> All-American. All-Pro. Defensive lineman of the <br /> year. was a member of Vikines' tonference Cliampion team <br /> five times and played in four super bowls. <br /> YET.......... (Ouote from Jim Vlobucher column) <br /> What Eller experienced was a vrolonved. mountine <br /> Cal mity of the spirit and mind, a calamity that <br /> bur:t one day when he found himself thousands of <br /> dollars in debt. unable to pay back taxes. finished <br /> a 9 a ball player. unable to find a -lob, still <br /> pretending the role of boulevardier--and spendine <br /> S2,000 a week on dru.Rs. <br /> When things would go bad J actually believed I <br /> could handle it by myself. But I know now that was crazy <br /> crazy. I didn' t want to end what I really believed <br /> was fun. My whole life away from football was escape <br /> and dental, Indulging myself..O.anything but living <br /> the way normal people live.." <br /> Eller said the use of mood altering chemicals caused <br /> him to lose interest In his marriaRe. careerp fansp <br /> and in life in general. DruR users delude themnelves <br /> misterpreting the events around them. What looks like <br /> a reality can simply be an excuse for usage. <br /> He ( Carl Eller) understands that his was the kind ot <br /> victory that does not necessarily last forever. . .. <br /> It is one he must renew every day.....0.. <br />