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8 - <br /> square foot structure to 2700 square .feet as proposed, finding • <br /> that- the three conditions which must be satisfied for the, condi- <br /> tional use permit and the variance -had not been met in the pro= <br /> posal, and for the following additional reasons: <br /> 1. The City Comprehensive Plan -indicated there is a conflict of <br /> land use in this particular area of the City and recommended <br /> that future land use should not be commercial. <br /> 2. Existing businesses in the same neighborhood are overutilizing <br /> on-street parking now. <br /> 3. The Metropolitan Transit Commission also overutilizes all <br /> -available street parking in the immediate vicinity of the <br /> cafe. <br /> 4. Adequate snow storage was. not addressed in the proposal. . <br /> 5. Adequate screening or adequacy of existing screening was not <br /> addressed in the proposal. <br /> 6. There is a strong possibility that the property values of <br /> homes to the southwest, northwest and north side of the <br /> subject property might be adversely affected by the proposal. <br /> 7. Almost all available parking spaces provided on the site are • <br /> required for the existing building. <br /> 8. Testimony from the neighbors indicated a poor history of <br /> building and land -maintenance and weed and odor control with <br /> the existing business. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Commissioner Bjorklund registered his complaint "as a resident" <br /> to the continuance of the advertising for the sale of leeches at <br /> 2817- Stinson Boulevard, even though the sign had been moved back <br /> off the City right-of-way, perceiving that type of signage is <br /> inappropriate in that neighborhood. He was concerned a precedent <br /> was being set for residential signs advertising Avon and Amway <br /> products, etc. <br /> When he brought up the subject of the poorly .maintained Apache <br /> Shopping Center sign on Stinson, Mr. Childs told him that sign is <br /> grandfathered in with the sign ordinance and his conversations ,: <br /> with the Apache management had indicated that. sign would be <br /> included with an overall improvement program for the center pro- . <br /> posed for- the near future: <br /> When the:,proposal for- a sign. :identi-fying the services being <br /> provided in the Parkview . facility--which had been submitted through <br /> the Community Service s •was. considered •it..was the general consensus <br /> of 'the--Commission that only a monument type sign identifying only <br /> the school and the City- would- be -acceptable. The Chair mentioned.. <br /> she .could not recall the sign for :the. Apache Medical Center which <br /> the Council had approved over. a Commission recommendation for <br />