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-6- <br /> Councilman Enrooth requested the Council )e given a periodic update <br /> on the project and the Mayor commented ti. 3t he perceived that, if the <br /> Council had gotten better information from the County, they could have <br /> handled some of the complaints better . According to the Manager, <br /> the reason the two county project engineers had been invited to the <br /> last Council meeting was to give the Council the opportunity to ask <br /> questions about any of the project plans on which they weren' t clear. <br /> Councilman Marks reiterated that Ron Tay .or, the youth counselor, and <br /> representatives of the St. Anthony Chemical Abuse Committee would be <br /> appearing soon to request Council support for the Youth Service Bureau, <br /> on which he serves as a board member. <br /> Chief Entner was present to answer questions about the Fire Department <br /> 1983 Annual Report. Before he did so, Councilman Ranallo said he had <br /> difficulty identifying the crib death incident when he tried to cross <br /> reference that incident on the Chief ' s -;over letter with the February <br /> Department report. The Fire Department Head indicated it would be no <br /> problem for him to specifically identif - incidents by run number when <br /> he summarizes the monthly Fire reports . <br /> The Mayor complimented the Chief on the fine annual report he had <br /> submitted. When Councilman Marks inquired whether he foresaw a need <br /> for additional funding for training, the Department Head indicated <br /> that, because firefighting is getting more and more technical in <br /> nature, his crews require more sophisticated training. As an example , <br /> he pointed out the completion of afield course in handling of hazardou� <br /> materials by five of his men, which had prepared them to serve as <br /> first responders on the joint mutual aid support team to crisis situ- <br /> ations involving those kinds of 'materials . The shared costs could <br /> also he very high, he added since there would be chemical suits and <br /> ry g . <br /> other special- apparel and equipment required for that kind of work. <br /> The Chief also reported his department would be participating in -the <br /> task force to work on the proposed computer aided dispatching program <br /> proposed for Iiennepin County . When Councilman Makowske reported a <br /> resident raising the question of whether the new sodium vapor lamps <br /> might interfere with the identification of yellow emergency vehicles , <br /> as had happened in Boston, where they had found it necessary to go back <br /> to red fire trucks., Chief Entner promisted to investigate that report <br /> and let the Manager know what he had found out. <br /> Mr. Childs told the Council members the Liquor Store Manager would be <br /> seeking approval for the signage he believes he would need to advertise <br /> the Grand Opening of the new warehouse facility. The Manager con- <br /> firmed that the Sign Ordinance would allow such signage to be erected <br /> for two weeks; but indicated Mr. Nelson would be discussing the . . <br /> specifics with -both the Planning Commission and the Council well in <br /> advance of the -opening. Mr. Childs told Councilman Makowske the <br /> controversial-,"bottle sign" had recently been erected above the ware- <br /> house for "'less than half a day" . Councilman Ranallo indicated he <br /> had gotten some calls on it too. <br /> The Fire Department reports , the February liquor operations sales • <br /> summary, and the March 8th staff notes.-were ordered -filed. <br />