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CC PACKET 05121987
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CC PACKET 05121987
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12/30/2015 4:05:17 PM
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12/30/2015 4:05:03 PM
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CC PACKETS 1981-1984 & 1987
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CC PACKET 05121987
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J <br /> ' Mr'.. Childs•: had posed. three. .different. ways - in,..which the restaurant .portion <br /> could•be provided-, and he .'said::-.�a` talk . with Mr. 'Nelson . that day.- had <br /> convinced him -there would- be - :.some real :. advantages to construct the <br /> kitchen while the bar is - torn .up. He also said the Liquor :Manager had <br /> indicated -he was confident he- could find somebody: to run the restaurant- <br /> even though the Mannings : had said they were no longer interested. <br /> Councilmember Enrooth said just getting ' someone - to ,: run the restaurant. <br /> would -probably be no - problem, but getting someone who is really good <br /> might be,. <br /> The Manager told Councilmember- Makowske it - would would be very difficult to <br /> predict what :effect the sale of wine _in grocery stores would have on the <br /> new .liquor store .-if it ever came 'about. But, Mr. Nelson foresees a <br /> greater impact if strong beer is permitted to be sold in grocery stores <br /> or places where 3. 2 beer is now allowed. ' - The Mayor agreed, saying the <br /> City would lose all control over those sales with the new legislation. <br /> Mr. Childs suggested another way to look at the issue would be to .compare <br /> the cost of the new liquor- space at • $6 . 00 per square foot for the next <br /> teri years with what the -City would have. to pay for the same .amount of <br /> space at Apache- .for the same period. Hey indicated the City would <br /> naturally close ' the Apache operation first if these outside 'sales-became______ <br /> realities. Councilmember Enrooth commented that he perceived the ne <br /> building had an intrinsic value to the City in any case. <br /> Council Action <br /> Motion by .Enrooth, seconded by Sundland to accept the low bid of $288 , 500 <br /> and to -Award -the contract for the construction of the new off-sale .liquor <br /> store to Fulco Construction, on terms acceptable to the City. <br /> Motion, carried unanimously. <br /> Mr.. Childs reported the' City had saved over $1 , 000- by, splitting out the <br /> costs -of the bar furniture and rebidding them, -even - though Monarch <br /> Company had been the only one to submit a bid. <br /> Motion ,by Makowske seconded by Enrooth to accept the low bid of' $17 ,86.6 <br /> and award the contract for the bar furniture for the- Stonehouse <br /> remodeling project to PYA/Monarch, Inc. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> UNFINISHED BUSINESS. <br /> Council Drops Restriction Against More . Than .. Four Vehicles Parked on <br /> Residential Lot :From Proposed Ordinance 1987-002 <br /> The second reading 'of the proposed .ordinance changes resulted :in .tho <br /> above following -an indepth discussion with . three residents who opposed <br /> one or more of the changes in- Section -4 . <br />
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