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City of Saint Anthony, Minnesota <br /> February 5, 1990 <br /> Page 2 <br /> • receipt of first-half collection of taxes which the City expects to receive in June, 1991. <br /> Thereafter, each August 1 interest payment will be made from first-half collections of taxes <br /> with the February 1 principal and interest payment made from second-half tax collections, <br /> together with surplus first-half collections. This cycle will continue for the life of the <br /> certificates. <br /> Included in the principal amount of the issue is a provision for discount bidding in the <br /> amount of $2,363. The discount provides the underwriters with all or part of their profit <br /> and/or working capital for purchasing the issue. Since the underwriter is allowed his <br /> expenses and profit from the discount, he is likely to bid more favorable interest rates than if <br /> he must sell the certificates to investors at a premium price in order to meet expenses. The <br /> discount represents $7.50 per bond, and we recommend its use here as a successful <br /> marketing tool. <br /> The City has a long-term rating of "A," and we recommend making a rating application to <br /> Moodys Investor's Service, Inc. to maintain that rating. We will make the rating application <br /> on the City's behalf and supply Moody's with the necessary data. <br /> The Tax Reform Act of 1986 established certain arbitrage reporting and rebate requirements <br /> for issuers of tax-exempt obligations. In essence, an issuer must report on and rebate the <br /> amount of reinvestment income which exceeds the income which would have been earned'if <br /> the same amount had been invested at a rate on the certificates. There are several <br /> exemptions to the reporting and rebate requirements involving small issuers who issue less <br /> than $5,000,000 of government purpose bonds in any calendar year, or issues for which <br /> 100% of proceeds are expended within six months of issuance. <br /> • We understand the City does not intend to issue more than $5,000,000 of debt in calendar <br /> year 1990 and therefore we are of the opinion this issue will be exempt from the <br /> requirements and you will not have to maintain investment records and rebate any arbitrage <br /> profit to the U.S. Treasury. Our opinion is based on our review of your reasonable <br /> expectations at this time and is subject to change in the event subsequent actions by you <br /> cause the loss of exemption from the requirements. <br /> We are recommending this offered for sale on Tuesday, March 13, 1990 with bids to <br /> be received in the offices of Springsted Incorporated at 11:30 A.M. Bids will be opened, <br /> verified for accuracy, and presented to the Council at its 7:30 P.M. meeting that evening. A <br /> representative of Springsted Incorporated will be present to provide recommendations as to <br /> the acceptability of the bids received. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> SPRINGSTED Incorporated <br /> cjp <br /> Page 2 <br />