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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 23, 1995 <br /> . Page 7 <br /> 1 View Acres and Evergreen Townhomes, stop sign placed on 39th and Fordham Drive to <br /> 2 address traffic concerns, resident directly across from entrance to Mounds View Acres be <br /> 3 given consideration regarding automobile headlights, and drainage and Rice Creek <br /> 4 Watershed District requirements. <br /> 5 In response to Marks, Commissioner Horst indicated the Watershed District felt the weirs <br /> 6 needed to be redone and the developer has agreed to correct this problem. <br /> 7 Ranallo indicated rezoning meant to amend the zoning ordinance and required three <br /> 8 readings. He stated it appeared the only problem here was a traffic concern. <br /> 9 Enrooth suggested conducting a week traffic count. <br /> 10 Ranallo agreed and suggested conducting counts on other streets as well to see how they <br /> 11 compared. He suggested the City Engineer investigate to see if there was a way to deter <br /> 12 the other traffic using Fordham Drive to cut through. He indicated three readings were <br /> 13 required to change the ordinance and that would require three meetings. He proposed the <br /> 14 Council could approve the first reading and not the second and third readings if there was <br /> 15 a deviation in traffic found. He indicated the property had to be developed to increase the <br /> 0 tax base. <br /> 17 An unidentified resident asked why this project was being done to appease the <br /> 18 Schroeders. <br /> 19 Ranallo stated this was not the reason for the development, it was to keep taxes at the <br /> 20 level they are at now or reduce them. <br /> 21 An unidentified resident indicated he thought the development should have been <br /> 22 incorporated with the original Evergreen Townhome project. He felt the land never <br /> 23 should have been landlocked in the first place. He stated he lived in the Evergreen <br /> 24 Townhomes and the resident there would have been happy to take another eight units in <br /> 25 with them. <br /> 26 Ranallo indicated the project was being done to lessen the burden on the people. He <br /> 27 didn't think the traffic was from the residential area but coming from other areas. He felt <br /> 28 it appropriate to approve the first reading and then do some investigating prior to the <br /> 29 second reading. <br /> 30 City Attorney William Soth, explained that rezoning property meant amending the zoning <br /> 31 ordinance. It requires three readings for the City Council to amend any ordinance. This <br /> item will be on the next two agendas. If it is approved at each meeting, the rezoning will <br /> pass. This process is not required but it is what the City of St. Anthony does. It is <br /> 34 possible for the readings to be waived but this is not typically what the City would do. <br />